Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

After we picked up Scott we headed to an old folks home. I had a lot of experience being in nursing home. I remember moving my grandmother in one. That was a very interesting experience that I do not wish to revisit. Ever.

Alison, Scott and I got out of the car. The three of us walked in silence through the entrance and down the hallways. The place smelled so strongly of bleach and cleaner that it was hard to breath. Alison lead me and Scott down a maze of rooms, many of which smelled of sickness and a few, even, of death.

Alison stopped in front of a door and opened it. She walked in without another thought. "Did you bring him?" I heard an older voice say. The voice was so shockingly familiar that I stopped in my tracks. Scott walked in the door and looked back at me. He gave me a confused look but I shook my head and then followed.

An old man in a wheelchair turned to face us. "Oh, come in Scott. And give an old man a little something for his pain. Bring your friend in too." He said rolling up his sleeve, exposing his forearm.

I looked him over. He may have sounded shockingly familiar but he didn't look that way. An unbearably loud voice in the back of my head way telling me not to trust him and I don't think it was from all of what I was told about him.

"You don't have to do this." Alison said to Scott "If you want me to talk, this is how it's going to happen." Gerard raised his voice. I narrowed my eyes at him. My body became rigid and my senses became on edge. Now, I knew exactly who he is.

Scott walked toward him and Alison took a step closer to me. "If I do this, you have to tell us everything you know. Everything." The old man tilted his head and growled. I resisted my urge to growl back.

Scott slowly took his hand. I could almost immediacy feel the pain. It was sharp and intense. The old man grunted. "Ah." I heard Scott say. I flinched in pain.

I rushed forward toward Scott. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He fell against me. The old man looked at me aggravated. "That enough." I said in a sharp tone.

Scott got stable on his feet again. Alison quickly filled the old man in about the current sacrifices that she had told me about. Apparently alphas weren't the only threat in Beacon Hills and people had failed to tell me of that but whatever.

"They found a third body?" Gerard questioned. "Another doctor, right after Scott found Deaton." Alison had moved to the window. Apparently while I was being beaten to a pulp by the twins Deaton was almost sacrificed.

"Right after?" Gerard questioned. "Almost like it was expected he would survive." He turned to me and Scott

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scott asked. I could tell Scott was about to get defensive and so was I. why had we come here? All he going to do was feed us lies?

"How do you know your dark Druid isn't your wise veterinarian himself?" Gerard asked. "Maybe he knew you'd find him. Maybe he planned it that way." I hated this man. "He's not." I snapped. "He would never let anyone innocent get die." Scott assured him. "Don't be so sure. You'd be surprised how far some people would go to get rid of someone like Deucalion." He said. "Or someone like you?" Alison questioned. he chuckled

"I don't go easily, though do I?" He spit out black blood. "You know, Scott you've made me something of a celebrity here. I'm a medical mystery." He said. "Congratulations." I murmured he acted like he didn't hear me. "The cancer is now virtually undetectable but the doctors have no clue why my body keeps producing and ejecting this bizarre black fluid." He said spitting more.

"I did what you wanted me to do. Tell us how to beat him." Thank you boy. "You can't. I've tried." He said. "Then this is a completely waste of time." I said. "He doesn't know anything." Alison said as she walked toward me and Scott "Sorry you did this. Lets go." I turned to follow Alison I knew exactly what she was doing. "Wait." He called. We stopped. "I can tell you one thing."

I smirked at Alison we turned around "Deucalion may have lost his eyes, but he's not always blind."

"What does that mean?" I questioned. He chuckled. "The more I listen to you the more I see Cole in you." Alison and Scott looked at him shocked. "The more I listen to you the more I see a liar." I retorted. He chuckled again. "Yes, very much like your father indeed." I rolled my eyes. "What did you expect?" I snapped.

"You remember me don't you?" He asked me. Oh yes, I remember you. "You're not very good at first impressions are you? I mean introducing yourself as 'the person that decides when you die' isn't exactly polite." I told him. He smiled. Alison and Scott exchanged confused expressions. "I suppose that wasn't the most appropriate way of introducing myself to my granddaughter." Gerard said as he wiped his mouth.

"If you hate Deucalion so much my did you help him kill me?" I demanded. There was no asking to it. I wanted to know and I was going to get the information out of him. "Whether you knew you who you are your entire life or not doesn't change the fact that you are an Argent and the code was broken." Gerard informed me. I raise an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

"I was hoping to get an honest answer out of you the first time but that didn't seem to happen." I informed him. He whipped his mouth again. "If you know so much why don't you tell us?" He demanded angrily. "You don't care about the code and everyone knows it. The only reason you killed me was to get revenge on my father. You hated more than anything losing the best hunter this world has seen since the first Argent. He's not here to punish so you punish his daughter instead." He smiled at me.

"I'm impressed. Although it seems that I failed getting my revenge." He looked my obviously living body. "Oh no, you got your revenge. But it seems that being hard to kill, and staying dead, runs in the family." I said with a smirk. He looked at me terrified.

My phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and skimmed the text on my screen.

"I wish I could stay and hear the rest of your lies but it appears that I'm needed." I said, my voice thick with hatred. I turned and walked out of the door. I quickly got out of the building and headed down the road. I left my keys with Alison because I knew she would find it harder to get around town without a car but I would be fine.

I walked about fifteen minutes to the loft. I slid open the door and walked in.

I saw Stiles, Cora and Peter sitting near each they at the front of the desk. I ignored the strange feeling I got when I walked in the room that Boyd died in. I shook it off.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Stiles shifted uncomfortable beside Cora who wouldn't meet my gaze but Peter remained still. I shook my head. "What?" After learned that my grandfather tired to have me killed, I'm not up for surprises.

"Why are your eyes blue?" Cora asked not looking at me.

I shrugged "I don't know. They've always been that way." I reminded them. Stiles sighed. "Tell her." I looked over the three of them. "Tell me what?" I demanded.

"A werewolves' eyes only turn the cold blue ours are when something is taken away from us. A kind of innocence that's a part of us. An innocence only taken away when the werewolf takes an innocent life." Peter explained to me. No one had told me why my eyes were blue but I had always wondered. I never knew why no one had told me. Maybe it was because they didn't want to know who I killed.

"You said you're eyes have always been blue, you never saw them golden. Who did you kill?" Stiles asked me. Could I tell them the truth after all this time I tried to convince myself otherwise? I had been running away from the truth for eight years. I had told them the truth before, it's not like I lied, I just hadn't told them everything. I hadn't let myself believe everything.

"Eva." Cora's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Who did you kill?" I couldn't lie to them. I couldn't lie I myself anymore. I had to tell them.

"Elena, my best friend." I replied. My heart tightened when so said it. "You always said that the alpha that turned you killed her." Stiles pointed out. I nodded.

"I know. In a way he did. She was dying. Her body was rejecting the bite and she was in so much pain. There was nothing anyone could do and I knew it. She knew it too. So asked me to kill her and I did."

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