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"So, when we're making the deal, I need you to let me do the talking, okay? I just don't want anything to screw this up

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"So, when we're making the deal, I need you to let me do the talking, okay? I just don't want anything to screw this up." Petra says, looking at both Jesse and Melle. Jesse nervously asks her if he should be feeling like this, "Given your personality, your life experience, and everything else you've done to make it to this moment? ...yes."

Someone calls out Jesse and Melle's names. Axel and Olivia were walking towards them, both with a look of surprise on their face after seeing Petra. "Petra!?" Olivia exclaims. Jesse was quick to come up with a reply, "Hey, you all know Petra... my new super-close friend. We're super-close now." Melle facepalms at him and rolls her eyes. After noticing the disappointed gazes from Axel and Olivia, he gives them the truth, "We ran into each other while Melle and I were looking for Reuben."

"couldn't find him, huh?" Worry was written on Axel and Olivia's face. "Well, Jesse did end up finding him before he ran off again." Melle pipes up.

Jesse looked a little confused, "How did you know that?". Melle shrugged, "I heard your scream and went to check on you because I was worried, and then I saw Reuben with you before he ran off." The rest gave Jesse a questioning look, "Oh right, I saw him. But before I knew what was happening, we were under attack by a zombie horde. I told him to run. It was for his own good."

Axel apologised for not coming along to find Reuben, but Jesse assured him that it was okay. "But you guys won at least!" Melle reminds them, a smile on her face. "If you guys came along with Jesse and me, you guys wouldn't have won. Would you have rather that or win?" They thought about it for a moment and then turned to their creation behind Axel and Olivia. Everyone was admiring the build. "You're right. I'm just disappointed that I wasn't able to add the finishing touches at the back."

"I'm proud of you guys." Jesse beams. The other two were deeply touched by his praise. Olivia cupped her cheeks, "Awh, don't make me blush..." her eyebrows then furrowed angrily, "Seriously, don't." Melle laughs at the quick transition Olivia made.

Petra coughs a few times, trying to get Jesse and Melle's attention. "Hey, uh, Jesse, Melle, it's time to go see about that... thing." Jesse wasn't sure what she was referring to before realising, "Oh, right. The thing."

"Subtle. As a punch to the face." Olivia wasn't amused, "Axel and I were going to head into Endercon anyway. See you in there?" Axel goes on about cake, to which Olivia rolls her eyes. The two then walk away.

"Hurry-- we're supposed to meet in the alley over there." Petra pointed to a dark alley that was behind Jesse. Melle makes a little 'uh', catching the attention of Petra and Jesse, and points to the entrance of Endercon. "I'm just going to enjoy Endercon. I'm also feeling hungry so I'll leave this for both of you." Petra nods and ushers Jesse to follow her, leaving Melle alone.

Melle walks in the same direction as Olivia and Axel and then breaks away from them once she spots a stall that interests her. The stall had a bunch of fireworks on display. A green and red firework caught her attention. Her hand gently hovers over the necklace she is wearing. A Redstone and TNT were hanging on it. The Redstone was merged with the TNT.

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