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"See anything?"

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"See anything?"

Petra shakes her head, "He must've gone out another way." She gives everyone clear.

Olivia looked around the room, "What is this place?"

"Looks like it used to be the basement. Weird place to have a hideout."

"I bet you anything I'll find my Wither skull here."

Axel, who was eyeing every little valuable thing in the room, speaks up with a smug grin, "And if we find anything else cool to steal along the way, so be it, right?" Petra was a little agitated at him, "Axel, that's not what we're here to do. I don't want to stoop to his level." Axel tries to prove his point again but is shut down by Jesse. "Let's just focus on finding the skull."

Melle walks around the room, taking in the creepy vibe the room is giving her. 'He's got a lot of books in here, huh.' There were a lot of books on the shelves, mostly stuff about brewing and potions. She scrunched her face up, 'Not my type of stuff, no thanks.'

She notices Axel staring at the potions displayed on the shelves. "Axel, you better not be thinking what I think you are." Her voice was stern which made him gulp nervously, "Uh... well, of course not." She gives him a look.

"Oooooh, take a look at this!" Jesse calls out. A gold glass potion with a purple glowing liquid sat on the bench. Axel ran towards the glass, "You're not going to believe me, but I swear I had a dream about this." Jesse noticed the look on Axel's face and let him have it. He took the glass. Meanwhile, Melle stared at them angrily.

"Didn't you listen to what Petra said? Do you really think he's not going to notice his fancy potion is missing?"

Axel looked around for a potion that looked similar and placed it in the spot the fancy potion was in before. Melle rolled her eyes. "Fixed it!" Axel says and runs off to look at more items to steal, which Melle was strongly against but Jesse was backing him up for it so she knew he wouldn't listen.

"Something is going to happen, I'm telling you," Melle mutters to herself.

She notices a lever next to a bookshelf. Pulling the lever, the bookshelf slowly disappears into the ground. Olivia, who was in front of the bookshelves and inspecting them, jumps back in surprise and turns to see Melle holding a lever. "Oh damn, secret door, hell yeah!"

There was an uncompleted creation on the other side and a chest that lay in front of it. Everyone came together to examine the weird creation, "What the hell is all this stuff?" Jesse asks, bewildered. Petra moves closer to it, "Soul sand. It was everywhere in the Nether." Jesse points to the block in the middle, asking what it is.

"I've never seen one of these before..." Olivia walked right in front of the weird creation, staring at the block with a look in her eyes, "I wonder if I just-- take a closer look...Do you feel that? It's-- almost pulsing."

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