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"The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes.

Breathing your air... touching your skin...

... Saying goodbye....

The last time I felt alive.... I was dying." Ranata Suzuki



"So I've had him down here ever since then but I'm scared that I might kill him..." I told Rayna as we both stared at his body.

"Okay...And?" I looked at her blank expression.

"What do you mean 'And'? You're the doctor Rayna...Save his life!"

"Whatever... help me bring him upstairs on the bed." She said, rolling her eyes. She suddenly got annoyed, and I couldn't figure out why but chose to ignore it until later.

An hour later Raymond was patched up and passed out in my bedroom and Rayna was sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn in her hand avoiding my gaze. I sat next to her and looked at the cartoon dancing on the TV screen.



"What is it? I know you don't agree with me staying with him but you haven't given me any better ideas either." I said looking at the side of her face.

"He said he was sorry, right? Well if he is then ask him to turn himself in."


"What he did was wrong. And he expects you to just "what exactly?"

"Rayna I never even went to the cops about it when it first happened and what would they even say now it's been years, and I've been with him for the last three."

"I don't know Denise, but I don't think staying with him is your only option."

"I could take some space, honestly I could use it. I need to think. I'll let him go, and I need time to figure out what I want to do with my life and about this baby. I want to keep it Rayna. Come with me. Let's go on a vacation while I figure this out, what do you say?" I asked, placing my hands on hers to get her attention.

"You can't run away from this Denise...when you come back he will still be here, you will still need to decide what to do. Let's say you do keep the baby, will you be raising it alone? Will you let him be part of the baby's life?"

"Well first off...I wouldn't be raising it alone because I have you... right?" I asked her.

"Well of course babe you know I'm here for you no matter what but"

"Okay then. We're going on vacation, and I will use the time to figure out what to do. Now come on, I'm starving. I can't remember the last time I ate a proper meal." I said, hinting at her to get me some food before getting up and getting in the shower. She sat there and watched me walk away, her gaze full of uncertainty. 

The DejaVu I Never Knew- SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now