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Chapter 5


"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."

Albert Einstein



"Would you like another drink? Hello..."

"Yes, same thing." I told the bartender averting her eyes trying to pierce through my soul "Something I can help you with?"

"Well, telling me your name would be've been coming here everyday for the past month, and you sit in the same seat until we close. Multiple females...including me have tried to talk to you and's as if you're not even here. Why is that? What's your story? What happened to you?" She said leaning on the counter, her face inches away from mine.

"Anybody ever told you that you're nosy?"

"All the time, but come on, tell me something."

"My girlfriend left me, and said she needed some time to think things over."

"For a month? Have you tried talking to her?"

"No, she'll contact me when she's back in town.

"You must have a lot of trust in her..."

"It's my fault she left, I'll wait however long I have to. Can I get the check please?"

As soon as I walked outside I dialed her number, Hi you've reached Denise Belizair, "I'm occupied at the moment but please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can" At this point it was a routine; calling multiple times a day knowing she wouldn't pick up, but it was the only thing I could do. I'm convinced she wouldn't come back to me, especially with Rayna by her side. After everything I've done, I've lost her for good, she wasn't coming back. She saved my life when I was sure she wouldn't

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