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Chapter 8

Two Months Later


"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."—



I groaned and slapped my forehead at Cherie's facial expressions. She was right, I know she was, but I'll be damned if I ever admit it to her. I looked down at my feet and lied to her again.

"I wanted to let you win, so you're welcome." I said avoiding her piercing sea blue gaze.

"You're such a bad liar" she said laughing; the corner of her lip ending in a smirk. She had such a beautiful smile that always reached her deep blue eyes. "You can never look me in the eyes when you're lying to me, but Rayna you're getting slow, I won by 30 seconds, which might seem irrelevant but as a doctor I'm sure you know how important time is." she said back at me while drinking some more water.

"One" I said standing in front of her and pecking her lips "I can't look you in the eyes cause they're so damn beautiful they make me melt" she blushed and looked down, but not before I saw her dimples glowing on her cheekbones. "And two That was nothing, we ran for five miles Cherie plus you know I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Yeah I wonder why." and here we go. I thought to myself rolling my eyes waiting for the lecture.

"But you know what, I'm just happy you're back and you've thought about what I said. Trust me baby I can take good care of you." she said, kissing my cheeks before jogging off. I couldn't help but feel guilty but yet I also didn't care. If she doesn't mind being a rebound, why should I? Plus she seems so sure that she can tell when I'm lying to her. I wonder how long it'll take her to realize I haven't been able to stop thinking about my best friend.

First thing she did when I got back was call to apologize for our last conversation. I've been doing everything in my power to avoid Denise, and it looks as if she was doing the same. Neither of us wanted to engineer the conversation about what happened between us. I didn't want to bring it up, afraid that she might have regretted our night together which I still haven't been able to stop thinking about for the past two months. "Rayna please" her moans still haunt me while the image of her grazing my earlobe with her teeth is stuck on replay in my mind -holding her breath as her muscles clench rhythmically pulsating against my fingers... Nope...uh uh wrong place and time. "Hmm". Her heavy breathing, lip biting, back arching while she released before proceeding to wrap her tongue around my fingers and tasting herself as she laid me down and occupied my lips with hers. I closed my eyes and tried to push the memories out of my head trying to regain focus before they gave me a heart attack. 

Looking down I can feel The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and the goosebumps on my arms. I couldn't bring myself to get in touch with Denise, I agreed to try and see where things would go with Cherie, only problem was that I wasn't ready to get in bed with her because every time I did all I could smell was the familiar radiance of her Rose Synactif perfume. All I could taste was her bittersweet strawberry scented lips. My whole being was consumed by the intrepid Ms. Denise Belizair.

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