Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Monday morning strolled in and I rushed out of my house and got to work late. Every morning I swear I won't be late and every morning Cherie proves me wrong. She was so damn distracting, and I was ready for her to go home. What started as a simple sleepover turned into a slow moving process, and I didn't know how to get rid of her without hurting her feelings.

"Morning Doc" One of my co-workers said as soon as I walked in the hospital.

"Morning Krystal, how's Mr. Lee doing?"

"Amazing, he made it through the night, you saved his life doc." She said, smiling and walking away. I smiled. I seriously never thought I'd ever be a doctor out of all things. But thinking back about my mother and Denise's mother dying keeps me motivated to save as many people as I can. Like my father tells me all the time, I have a gift. Not everyone can pick up a scalpel and save a life, but I can, and I shouldn't just waste something as extraordinary as the ability to save lives. Walking into my office I closed the door and got started on the paperwork I had to finish. I needed today to go as fast as possible so I could go and kick Cherie out of my house.

Around 1:30 after finishing my last surgery for the day I decided to head outside for lunch. I stopped in my tracks as soon as I got near the elevator.

"Well yes of course I'm aware, I'm just saying there's a high possibility here that I might have her run my affairs when I go on my maternity leave, and I don't think it's a bad idea" I heard Denise's voice approaching me. Turning around trying to walk the opposite direction before I heard "Rayna?" I sprung back around and faced her. "Denise! You're here." I said hoping she didn't see how nervous I was. She looked at me and laughed. "Well this is interesting. Are you done avoiding me?" She asked.

"I'm not avoiding you...just been busy."

"Right, so busy that you couldn't text or call for the past two months?" She said walking up to me.

"The phone works both ways." I said feeling myself tensed up as soon as she got close to me.

"Fair enough. But you're here now, and if you're not busy we should talk." She said intertwining her fingers with mine caused me to feel the butterflies in my stomach, and I instantly backed away. She noticed and took a step back.

" okay. You regretted what happened that bad?" she asked, and I could tell she was hurt from the tone of her voice. "I should go." She said walking off, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. "No sweetheart, I have no regrets. I promise. Honestly I thought you did." I said holding her close. " I missed you." I whispered in her ear feeling her body relaxed against mine.

"I missed you too, a lot. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you Rayna. What happened doesn't have to ever happen again, but I don't want to lose my best friend over it." She said, looking at me. "Why are you pouting?" she asked, looking at my facial expression.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind it happening again.." I said smirking at her flushed face, but instantly felt guilty as Cherie popped in my head. I released my hold on her and looked at her.

"Well, we should catch up, are you free tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah why don't you come over." She noticed my uneasiness.

"Alright I'll see you later." I said, giving her a smile before walking off.

The rest of the day went by slowly but productively. I finished all my surgeries and did most of my paperwork keeping my mind busy from both Denise and Cherie. Walking out of the hospital Cherie was leaning by the ramp ending a call.

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