Chapter 1: A Grave Danger Approaches

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Izumi Masako began the day just like every other day. She got up, got ready for the day, and then headed down to the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast. It was Saturday. Her parents were off on an outing with some old friends. They wouldn't be back until late tonight. Masako had the entire day to herself.

She had decided on some cereal for breakfast, not wanting to bother cooking. She sat at the table and silently ate. After a few bites, she pulled out her phone and started to see what was going on around town. She might as well keep up with current events as best as she could.

Her friends were all talking about normal events that Masako had no desire to attend. She wasn't one for big crowds. She tried to put herself out there are best she could, but it was overwhelming to around large groups of people. She preferred to hang out with only a few people and normally at someone's house.

Masako paused as she stumbled upon an article someone had shared. It was hard to believe this was meant to be a real news article. It sounded so absurd.

Shadow Figures Attack and Injure 10 People at Mall

Masako had to double-check that she wasn't seeing things or that this was a fake article. After a few minutes, she had to admit this was a published news report that was meant to be read as serious.

"Shadow people...?" Masako repeated as she scrolled through the article, looking to see if there were any images or drawings of these supposed creatures.

There were none that she could find, only eye-witness accounts of what they looked like. The descriptions were not what one would consider a shadow person to be. They were more monster-like beings that happened to take on the appearance of shadows.

But, there was no way this was real. Shadow things attacking people? What was this? A TV show? This was real life. These things didn't happen in real life.

"But, they do." A voice spoke.

Masako jumped, dropping her phone from the shock. She quickly looked around the room, trying to find the source of the voice. Her eyes landed on a figure in the back of the room. They looked human enough.

"Who are you?! How did you get here?!" Masako demanded, "And what do you mean?"

Part of her wondered if she should call the cops on this intruder, but hesitated. There was something intriguing about them that made her want to hear them out.

"I am Juno. A very distant ancestor of yours. These shadow people, as you have called them, are much more than that. They are an ancient race of monsters that once ruled the Earth. It seems they've decided to try once more." The strange figure said.

"Why are you telling me this? Why not the police? Or someone who can actually do something about this?" Masako questioned.

Juno chuckled and walked closer. "That's where you're mistaken. You are the one who can solve this issue. You see, back then the warriors of our kind created special devices that helped them to defeat the Ghoulish. The only ones who can wield these powers in this age are those who are descended of our kind... mostly. I have gathered six of you to become the next generation of warriors. You will need to cooperate in order to save the world."

"But... But I'm just a kid! What can I do?!" Masako protested.

Juno smiled and held out a glove and a red diamond. "This is your sparkling changer and diamond. These will let you wield the power of your ancestors and help you defeat the Ghoulish."

Masako stared at the items for a long time, before finally grabbing them. She put on the glove, surprised that it fit almost perfectly on her left hand.

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