Chapter 12: Teamwork

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"I'm worried the enemies we'll keep facing are going to be stronger than we are at this point."

It was another day, everyone gathered in a circle on the floor of their hideout. Kiyoshi had broken into the conversation they were all having to bring up a concern. It was unfortunately a truth. These enemies were getting smarter and harder to defeat as time went on. It was getting harder to just rush in blindly and hope for the best. They were going to need to start figuring out an actual plan of attack.

"All we can do is just keep training, right? It's not like we can do much to help ourselves any faster." Asami replied.

"This is taking forever though. We can't keep training like this. Sooner or later we won't have the luxury to take our time as much." Yuuki responded. "There has to be something we can do to get us a bit more level in this playing field. There has to be."

"I don't see what more we can do though..." Shouji sighed.

Masako stared at the maroon diamond held tightly in her hand. "Spirit, you said there were more of these types of diamonds out there, right?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Spirit replied.

"Do you think it would be possible to find more? If we have more options with these, that might give us a better chance when we fight next time. Now that we've figured out a good method to use them, we should try." Masako said.

Spirit pondered her words for a while. Everyone was watching them, waiting for an answer. Spirit really wished they would all stop doing that every time someone asked them a question. Just because they were so much older didn't mean they had all the answers to these questions.

"Well, I can't guarantee we can find any easily, but we could try searching. With how long it's been, there's no saying where these diamonds could have ended up at." Spirit finally replied, "Our search very well might end in vain. Can you handle that disappointment?"

"We should at least give it a shot." Kiyoshi stated.

"Better we find them before a Ghoulish might." Shouji added on.

"If they were to fall into a Ghoulish's hands... could they do something with it?" Masako asked.

Spirit offered a shrug. "I don't know. I never tried something with them. Not sure what you could do without a device to plug it into."

"Hopefully they can't do anything with it."

"Well, shall we go try our luck?" Yuuki asked, getting to her feet.

"Where should we look at?" Asami questioned, also getting up.

Once again, all eyes fell back onto Spirit. Spirit looked around at them all. Did they always need them to answer a question?

"How am I supposed to know where to look?" Spirit replied, a little annoyed.

"Is there anywhere near here that the original fighters would have been at?" Masako questioned.

"Why would that help us?"

"If they ever were here maybe... somehow that might guide us where they could be?"

"It's been how many years and you think that somehow the diamonds would be where they were left?" Spirit sighed.

"You never know?" Kiyoshi shrugged and gave a lopsided smile.

"If you insist. There is one place I can think of they frequented at times here." Spirit stated.

"Let's go!"

Spirit became the leader, guiding the five kids toward the one place they could think of that the old fighters had been to. They had no idea exactly what had taken place in this area that made it such a frequent spot. They also had no idea why these kids thought they would find anything with how long it had been. There is no reason for any diamond to be there at this point.

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