Chapter 15: Children Everywhere...

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"So you two have no idea how to fight?"


"I took some self-defense classes but I don't know how good I am at this type of fighting."

Spirit very early on decided to start questioning the two newest members about their abilities. They had more children to deal with now. They better make sure these kids didn't end up dead. That meant more training. Spirit was not exactly looking forward to having to do more training. The first time around with the five kids had been hard enough but now there were seven of them to try and wrangle in a training session.

"Guess that means we're back to a lot of training sessions." Spirit sighed. "Couldn't this ancestor have just chosen you all at the same time...?"

"Maybe he was looking for their gloves?" Masako suggested.

"I suppose that could be the case."

"So... what exactly is this training?" Tsuya questioned.

"For now, it'll be a lot of flexibility and stamina training." Spirit replied. "You need to be agile and able to stand a long fight."

"We'll do our best, I guess."

It was obvious the two new rangers were not certain how to feel about Spirit still. In their defense, they had been told the Ghoulish were the enemy. There had never been any discussion on one being part of their team and yet here they were now. The others were annoyed that Juno couldn't have told them about Spirit. They didn't understand why he was so hesitant to tell them that Spirit was a member of their team.

"So... Spirit, what exactly is up with Helix?" Masako questioned.

Spirit sighed. "Helix has the ability to heal others and grow them. The name Helix is a play on the words 'Heal It'. At least, that was what I was told about it."

"So... we're going to have to deal with our enemies growing huge for the rest of this?" Shouji asked in worry.

"Unfortunately, that is probably the case. Grimm ordered Helix to do this so I doubt it would be a rare occurrence."

"Just when we thought we were finally leveling the playing field..."

"Are we up to doing some training now then? Best we start before another Ghoulish decides to make their mark on the town." Spirit said.

"Nothing better to do."

The eight of them went to the clearing they had long since made their training ground. Spirit took the lead and began showing the two new rangers how to do some stretches. The rest of the group followed along. They were used to this by now.

"That's the easiest part of this warm up." Spirit said as everyone was finishing up. "Now, I'll have to work with you two separately from them. You five can do some sparing while we work on flexibility. Perhaps you would all like to start learning to toss your diamonds to others before we need to do it in a fight?"

"Sounds good!"

The five gave nervous glances to the two newer member and then went to the other side of the clearing to begin practicing. Would those two work with Spirit? They were still not the most enthused having to learn all of this stuff from a Ghoulish.

"I understand you do not like me much, but we are on the same team at the end of the day. If you don't want to die, you will have to learn to cooperate with me." Spirit decided to just address the issue.

"I just can't see why you were asked to help. You're one of them. Why don't you agree with them?" Airi questioned.

"My past is not something I wish to discuss with anyone at this time." Spirit replied.

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