Chapter 17: Boost Up

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The rest of the day and into the next had been tense. Tsuya and Airi were still doubtful of Spirit at points. With Spirit acknowledging that they had in fact killed people, it had only made the tension worse between them. The two siblings had no desire to blindly trust in them as the rest had. For once, Spirit had to actually find ways to prove themself to them. It was turning out to be a lot harder than they thought. Every time they met another Ghoulish, more came out and it only seemed to be placing more doubt.

Spirit was out in the woods alone, sitting by a stream and watching the water flow by. They didn't think it would hurt to be seen like that. They had been used to all humans hating them and yet, these two humans hating them made them feel weird. Sure, they were meant to be comrades, but Spirit didn't have much of a connection to them like they did the others yet. Spirit wasn't even sure if they would become closer with Tsuya and Airi if things kept up as they were.

"Spirit?" A voice startled them.

"Kiyoshi? What brings you all the way out here?" Spirit glanced over at the young boy.

"Looking for you." Kiyoshi replied, taking a seat next to them. "Are you okay? You've been more distant since yesterday."

"Surprised you all noticed so fast..."

"What's wrong? Is it about those two? Yuuki laid into them again about everything." Kiyoshi said.

"I don't know what it is that's making me feel this way." Spirit said.

They truly weren't sure if this feeling was just because of those two not liking them or if it was because of how much more they had to keep revealing about their past. At this rate, the ugly things they never wanted anyone to find out about were going to come out. Spirit didn't know if they could handle that. Not at this current situation they were in. If those dark secrets came out when Tsuya and Airi were so doubtful of them, it may be enough to fully drive a stake between them.

"You've... killed people?" Kiyoshi asked quietly.

Spirit sighed. This conversation was bound to happen at some point. "Yes. As I said, if you didn't comply, you were killed."

"Did you do it willingly?"

Spirit hesitated answering. That was not the question they wanted. How were they supposed to answer that?

"I... would rather stop this conversation now." Spirit stated.

Kiyoshi frowned at their words. Spirit couldn't tell him. They couldn't do this. It was too soon. They needed more time before they told anyone the dark past they had.

Their gloves beeped and Masako's voice came through. "Can you guys come back? Uh... Juno is here."

Spirit and Kiyoshi exchanged looks.

"He's back?" Spirit repeated. "We'll hurry back then."

"Why is he here now?" Kiyoshi wondered as the two of them quickly made their way back to the base.

"Who knows." Spirit shrugged. "Maybe he has some news for us."

"News? Like what Grimm is doing?"

"Moreso, what we can do to stop him."


They made it back to the base not long after. Juno was standing before them all, his form slightly see-through. He nodded to the two as they entered.

"Now that we are all gathered, I must tell you something before I run out of time." Juno started talking quickly. "There are more gems that are out there. Not just like your diamonds, but gems that can go into your weapons and boost their power. But, you must find them and pass trials set by your ancestors to prove you are worthy of this power."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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