Chapter 13: Bigger Enemies, Bigger Problems

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"Alright, Kiyoshi. Try it."

"White diamond, activate!"

The group of rangers were getting around to testing the two new diamonds they had gotten. If they were to use them in battle, they would need to know what they were capable of, after all.

Kiyoshi activated the white diamond and fired off its power. Weird distortions started around the area. Everyone watched in confusion. What exactly was it doing?

"Illusions." Spirit finally determined the action. "If you step into those distortions, you'll end up trapped in an illusion. No idea for how long, though."

"Interesting... wonder when we'd want to use that." Yuuki commented.

"Alright. Asami, try the purple diamond, please." Masako called.

Asami nodded and placed the diamond into her changer. "Purple diamond, activate."

She fired it off. Purple goo fell to the ground where she had aimed her shot. Shouji picked up a stick and poked it into the goo. He tried to pull it out, only to find that it was very stuck.

"So, really sticky goo." Masako said.

"Like tar?" Kiyoshi said.


"So, now we have two more options to use when fighting." Shouji commented. "Who is going to keep them?"

"Good question." Masako replied.

"You all may have to learn to share your diamonds during battle." Spirit spoke up. "Your ancestors did that often."

"So like... throwing someone else a diamond while we're fighting?" Asami said.

Spirit nodded. "Yes. It will be hard to do until you know what you are doing. Perhaps we should start practicing doing so when we train."

"Sounds like a plan." Masako nodded. "The stronger we are, the better."

"Say, Spirit. How come all the enemies we've faced have been working alone for the most part? Why don't they join up with a lot more to fend us off?" Kiyoshi asked suddenly. "It's been bugging me for a while now."

"Because, would you wish to share your victory with someone else?" Spirit replied.

"They want all the fame and glory for themselves, huh?" Yuuki spat. "Go figure."

"It's better for us that that's the case at least." Asami said.


"Have we made much progress in getting rid of these enemies?" Shouji asked. "We've fought a lot at this point."

Everyone was always hesitant to just call their enemies Ghoulish. Even thought that was the correct name, it felt wrong to say that when Spirit was a part of their team. It felt weird to refer to Ghoulish as the enemy by name because one Ghoulish was not their enemy.

"Not that many, unfortunately. There are a lot more that are still waiting to attack." Spirit replied. "This battle is far from over."


"I don't suppose you ever have any ideas about who might strike next, do you?" Masako questioned.

"Not particularly. Though... there is someone I'm surprised we haven't seen yet..." Spirit trailed off, not seeming to want to say anything more about who it was.

"What should we do now? We figured out the diamonds." Kiyoshi asked.

"Should we go look around town for any signs of trouble?" Asami suggested.

Kirameki Sentai Kisekiranger (Sparkling Sentai Miracleranger)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora