Chapter 2: How Does This Work?!

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No one slept well that night. They were all nervous. The reality of what they were going to have to do was finally sinking in. They were all miles and miles away from home and were about to take on monsters that they had never seen before. No one knew what would become of them in the end. Would they really be able to do this? They all were just only children. Why did their ancestors think kids should be responsible for the fate of the world? Why not their parents? One of each of them had to also be of the bloodline, so why not choose them?

When the sun rose, Asami made food for everyone. She had come prepared the most out of all of them. She had a lot of supplies that could be shared around. Everyone had things, but they were all worried over how long this would last them. Taking down the Ghoulish empire was not going to be a quick thing.

"So... how exactly do we start this mission?" Shouji asked as they ate.

"I guess we just wander around until we find a monster and we attack them?" Masako suggested. "We can't really track them, right? We just have to wait for them to show themselves to us."

"Are those shadow people the same as the Ghoulish or do you think they're simply henchmen for them?" Kiyoshi questioned. "That's how it goes in the shows."

"We are really living in one of those action shows of yours, aren't we?" Yuuki let out a nervous laugh.

"I think we are." Asami nodded. "This seems like it's falling into the plot of one of these shows. I've seen a bit of them, I think. It is eerily similar to those concepts."

"And here we thought it was all make-believe and yet now we are literally fighting against them." Yuuki replied.

The anxiety between everyone was very noticeable. This was not pretend. This was their reality. There were evil being trying to kill them all. Evil beings who would try and kill them once they began to fight against them. Their lives were going to be on the line from now on. It was a hard thing to accept. They were all just normal kids living their lives one day and the next they were putting their lives on the line to save the world.

"If we're all done eating, we should go into town and look around." Masako said as she got to her feet. "Make sure we're in the area if an attack happens."

"I wonder why Juno sent us to this town." Shouji questioned.

"This is where the attack happened!" Kiyoshi stated. "I looked it up when I got the location. This is where it began. That's why."

"So, does that mean the bad guys are setting up camp in this town as well?" Asami asked.

"They may intend to once they can conquer it." Yuuki replied. "I assume they've made a home somewhere that they've been lying dormant until now. This might just be where they want to start their world domination."

"I don't know which option is worse..." Masako whispered.

"Let's go!" Kiyoshi jumped to his feet. "Time to become the Kisekirangers!"

"At least someone is enthusiastic about this mess." Yuuki whispered to Asami, who just nodded with a smile on her face.

Everyone got up and ready to go. Asami took a small bag with some food, water, and medical supplies. You never knew what might happen, after all. They might need these things. Hopefully not, but them coming out of a fight with no injuries didn't seem that likely.

They all returned to the town and wandered around. It was quite peaceful at the moment. No one seemed to be in distress. The Ghoulish hadn't attacked yet today. It would be nice if they wouldn't attack again, but that was hopeful thinking.

"Where should we go?" Shouji asked.

"Maybe we should look at where the attack happened?" Masako suggested. "It might give us an idea as to what they're trying to do here."

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