Chapter 7: The Sixth Ranger is... an Enemy?!

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"So... any ideas on what to do about Fright?"

The discussion began early the next morning. Everyone knew it was only going to be a short matter of time before Fright would be back and trying something else to get them. They really needed to come up with some sort of plan fast or else they were going to just keep getting beaten and the town would sustain more and more damage the longer they failed to take down Fright.

"I was testing out if there were any other things our changers and diamonds were capable of." Asami said. "Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything else special about it. Though... I was able to remove my diamond and it not cancel my transformation right away. I wonder if... maybe there are more of these things that we can find?"

"I was thinking about that!" Kiyoshi stated. "And actually I saw there was a part on our swords that look similar to the one on our changers. Maybe we can place our diamonds on the swords to do something special?"

"We'll have to try it the next time we fight." Masako replied. "It's worth attempting. We need something to help us in this fight."

"I wonder what Fright is going to do to get our attention again...?" Yuuki questioned.

"Maybe we should head into the town and start looking for him? At least that way maybe we can keep the town from getting any more damage done to it." Masako suggested.

"Good idea."

With everyone in agreement, they gathered what they needed and headed out the door. They were all nervous. Would they be able to take on Fright better than they had yesterday? Would they be able to stop him from burning more things to the ground? Did he have more abilities that he had yet to show them?

The town was very quiet. Ever since the attacks had begun, the people living here had gotten afraid to leave their houses. The streets that had been so full of life not that long ago were now barely active. Everyone that was out always looked to be on edge; never knowing when the next attack may be.

The Kisekirangers all felt bad about this. If they had been better at their job, maybe they could've prevented these innocent people from feeling so terrified of the town they live in. The guilt was starting to get to them. Even if they knew realistically they had no way to prevent this, it still hurt them all. Why did they get chosen when they had no idea what to do to stop these things until it was already too late?

"Should we split up to cover more ground or stick together?" Shouji questioned.

"There's no way one of us would stand a chance against him alone. As much as it would be better to split up, I think for everyone's safety we need to stay as a group here." Yuuki replied.

Everyone nodded to her statement. It was true that it might be too dangerous to go off on their own right now. Until they all were able to handle a battle alone, they needed to stay as a group. Would they ever reach a point where they even could take on a Ghoulish alone?

For now, they all stuck together and wandered around the town, looking for any signs pointing to a Ghoulish being around. It might not be Fright that they ran into, after all. There were a lot of other Ghoulish who were aiming to take over this town all the same. They may not see the same enemy for days and end up fighting others instead. No one knew what might happen today.

There wasn't much going on for a while. The five children walked around, listening into conversations. There was no sign of anything amiss. Just what was Fright planning? Did he not want to burn anything else right now? Had they misjudged his next plan of attack?

Then they got a lucky break from searching. Screams sounded from nearby. The smell of smoke hit everyone's noses fast. Fright was back and burning something again.

Kirameki Sentai Kisekiranger (Sparkling Sentai Miracleranger)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora