Chapter 14: A New Warrior

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The six Kisekirangers stared in horror at the giant Terror that stood before them. There was no way they were going to be able to defeat him from the ground. He would crush them like flies before they could get anywhere near him.

"Guys..." Asami gulped.

"Is there anything we can do?" Masako questioned. "We can't... this can't be our end."

"But... he's huge. How are we supposed to fight him like that?!" Shouji asked.

The mood was tense and solemn as everyone looked at each other. They needed to think of something soon or the entire town was about to be destroyed. How did they take down Terror at such a big disadvantage? There had to be something they could do, right? There had to be a way they could counter him.

"Well, looks like we got here just in time." A voice spoke.

Everyone turned to look in the direction. Two people stood there. A boy and a girl. They both dawned Sparkling Changers on their hands. They were... also Kisekirangers?

"Eh?! You guys are Kisekirangers too!" Kiyoshi exclaimed.

"Is that what you guys are calling yourselves?" The girl questioned. "Anyway, I'm Yamato Airi and this is my older brother Tsuya. Juno gave us these things and told us this town would be where to find the others at."

"You sound like you guys know how to defeat Terror." Yuuki said.

"Indeed. Juno told us we have vehicles of sorts that can transform into a giant robot to fight. We just need to go get them and unlock them from where they were last placed." Tsuya stated. "However um... Juno kinda..."

"He faded before he finished telling us where that was." Airi finished.

"Spirit?" Masako glanced at them. All eyes then turned to them.

Even if everyone but the two new rangers were transformed, Spirit could still feel all of their eyes on them. These kids certainly knew how to make them talk.

"I can't confirm, but I do know of a place that seems like a suitable location." Spirit replied. "It is not too far from here, thankfully."

"Lead the way?" Masako motioned for them to go first.

"Very well. Let us hurry."

The group rushed to the place Spirit was guiding them. Along the way, the rest of them untransformed. That was possibly a mistake, Spirit realized.

"You're a Ghoulish?!" Tsuya and Airi both had the same reaction to seeing Spirit.

"We can discuss later." Yuuki sent the two of them a glare. "Spirit is a Kisekiranger and that is all you need to know for now."

Neither argued and shrunk back under her gaze. They continued on toward the place. Spirit finally came to a stop by a large mountain.

"There is a cave that is here. Unfortunately, it is hidden." Spirit said. "Hold tight. I believe I know how to unseal it for us."

Everyone watched as Spirit walked up to the mountain. They were feeling around the wall. No one knew what they were looking for, but eventually the mountain opened up and they could see a large cave. Spirit had done something.

"Let's hope those things are in this cave." Asami commented.

They began to enter the cave. It was quite dark.

"Masako, can I see the maroon diamond?" Spirit asked.

"Huh? Sure." Masako handed it over.

Spirit placed it in their glove and fire appeared on its tips. The fire lit up the way. Spirit nodded to everyone and then continued on. It was a very large and deep cave they were in.

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