Chapter one: The shadow

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My story starts just after the beginning of time, I think. I never quite knew my purpose. I don't think I ever will honestly. I was just a whisper at the start, which turned into a voice.
My solitude limited me but I learned what I could in the long while I had.

His name was Juni, who found me. He appeared as a shadow in front of me- his features not really revealed, just his eyes and glowing skin wings with matted white feathers at the base. He came speaking a foreign language which later became my native tongue.

He was there often. He taught me how to, well, be. As the time went on I learned to fight, how to control what we call "the shadow" and most importantly, he taught me the mortal ways.

Juni showed me how to go to the mortal realm with him. He said he didn't have a body in the mortal realm so he had to borrow one, which now I know is called posession. I remember the first time we went. We stayed in the mortal realm a few weeks before he was found and forced back to where he came from. The mortals live very strange lives, they have to work to eat and sleep, they have to give items to get others in return. In all honesty i think why don't they just give things for free? Mortals are strange, I remember thinking, ironic really.
After Juni was found he was forced back and I went back to the darkness of my own realm, of the shadows.

It was less of a long distance before Juni returned to me. He apologized and told me of the Gödes who banished and exiled him. He told me that the only reason he still even existed was because of his twin brother Zen.

Twins here work in ways of the unknown, they can live completely separate lives without ever meeting one and another, or spend an entire life together, but if one dies, they both do. They share the same blood and for the natural universe to be balanced each pair could only be both not only one. They wouldn't die immediately, but probably in about a week between. But pairs are rare in Skyé.

Juni and I talked for what seemed like mortal days. He told me some of what happened before he ended up in limbo and found a loophole here. I could see that he wasn't this evil power that these stories made him out to be though. We spent much time together alone. He taught me to be as powerful as he was, but I am always going to be stronger.

The next time Juni came to me was for a request, a favor, a forever bonding passage which would change both of our existences for the rest of time, if we lasted that long. He asked me to be his Altréz, which is like a Göde's mortal messenger more or less, I agreed. You see I had an ability he does not, I have the ability to appear in the mortal realm without the need of possession. I did tasks for him, from as simple to sending messages, to killing. I was feared amongst all mortals who believed. In Juni's name I brought entire nations down overnight on my own.
My name is Shaddo, named after my realm, the realm of the shadows. My name was never spoken by the legends, but my name is hidden in Juni's legacy, My legacy.

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