Chapter Fifteen: The Battle Of Rise

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The final meeting before the battle of rise. Every capable fighter gathered in the hallway, the rooms were too small for everyone to fit. Quileahleah stood on a raised platform which was really just the table they used for meetings, made out of the support beams. He was talking to the warriors, a really persuasive speech about this fight, he always had a way of words. Zenithe stood at the back, fully armored. His mask covered his nose and mouth, leaving only his eyes and his dusky brown hair showing the tips under the hood. He made his way slowly to the front, like a preditor sneaking up on his prey. But Quileahleah was aware of this disfigured shadow heading towards him.
"Recently, an old friend appeared. He is only here temporarily, thanks to Juni." Quileahleah lied, we all knew he never properly died, it was easier to say he was revived rather than explaining his death, they didn't need to know. He gestured to Zenithe who stepped up, Quileahleah stepped down. Zenithe took his base armor off and revealed his face as he took off his hood. Since being in rein, Zenithe had gained a scar across his mouth, 'from a fight' he said it was from, a fight with himself. Small gasps were heard throughout the crowd as Zenithe sat on the stage.

"Before anyone says anything, I am dead." Zenithe started, he, Ezenqui and Juni had pre-prepared a speech. Little did anyone know that this speech would be known as legendary in a few hundred years time. "Juni met with me in the pitiful hell of limbo. I came back about a month or so ago, I dunno, I have been living in the far edge of the tunnels, behind the outlanders. I know my purpose, it is to fight, even in death this is still my fucking country, and I will fight until my soul no longer fucking exists. I will fight for our future, for our future generation! Because the only way you know you have lived your life is by a great death. We all should live our lives and die great deaths. I can think of nothing better than to die for my own country. And then I will be gone, like a hair in the wind. So let us settle our differences, and fight one last time. The possibility of peace in your lifetimes is close. We will be free once more!" He had gone a bit of script but the general message was given.  Zenithe stepped down and walked to the back. The crowd was left speechless until I heard clapping in the back and cheering. And then the crowd erupts. This is war. We know it.

Quileahleah called to the team leaders, each team had a plan, first, second, third, backup, emergency.
Zenithe was in the front group.
The leaders gathered to discuss their teams.
Quileahleah, Ezenqui, Juni led team one, Gowelleah, Zen, Junifere led team two, Zenifere Melóse and Préazé were also a part but not leading. Babyiax and Treaose led team three. Samuéle, Aleahx and Zachareáh led the backup team and Döte lead the Svöttes and the emergency team.
Elleáh and Villíe stayed behind, along with others, protecting the weak, the elderly and the young, including Tréa and Feré.
I went along with Ezenqui's team.

And then we arose to the surface.

79 years in hiding,

79 years training,

79 years without outside interference,

79 years with once enemies,

79 years of old friends,

79 years of pain,

79 years in isolation,

79 years. In ruin.

We resurfaced in Islansnov castle ruins. The outcasted air tasted sour, of rotting water, the stench of forgotten blood and dismembered flesh. The air smelt of fearful screams and merciless sorrow. The ground was bare and stagnant. The once beautiful scenery of Islansnov was once white with fresh powdered crystals, with a luxurious scent of white orchids and sōvéttes, a plant native to the ancient mountains and was brought here during the eruption. Now the white powder that glowed lay dully and gray festering on the rotting mud.

The sky was once a brilliant blue with candyfloss specs gentility thrown across it but now the sky was musky gray with black daemons violently waiting to throw themselves down upon the mortals. It was a tragic sight, even thinking of it now. But now was no time to dwindle.i heard Juni and Quileahleah sigh as we advanced. The first party was to clear the area to join the second team to advance.

It worked and I was not spotted.
We advanced to JeFlourdistrixt and then to Bixeanvi, then Quirl.

After hours of continuous fighting, we finally conquered Quirl and the south east region up to Islansnov. We layed for rest in the early dawn of the third day, they were all exhausted, even the Gödes. But the fight isn't over, honestly even after the peace, it's still not over. They slept in the tunnels, with hourly patrols. They fed and rested themselves and when dawn of the next day arose, we prepared for the rest. Now we have the capital the rest will fall to rise again. Anestri, Freadéa, Mizenesta and Ilistranbi are settler states, only the fire temple stands but that wouldn't have been taken over as the fires are stronger than an army and Freigha is the Altréz of Babiesteare. Settler states are basically just agricultural grounds, off grid small farms. Anestri is a large part of the underworld markets, the Queakeares would have stayed clear. Not one Anestri dweller except Aeala, the head of state. The Quearoses are aware of the underworld market but they have never been able to track down who, what or where. Ezen often gets her weapon's parts from an underworld dealer, their Felónex ingredients are stronger than here.

When the fighting was over, we traced back our steps, to find those who had fallen. Zenithe wasn't too far from the Islansnov border, and collapsed in the snow. He said that he's got hit but I know he went into battle drunk and no one helped him, they only shamed him. I was no better.

When the territory was clear of tyranny, Ezenqui ascended to the Gödes realm, along with Babyiax. Préazé remained with Zenifere, Zen also stayed: he managed to convince the Quearoses that he still had a place at the Göde table. I actually found out later that Préazé is Zen's uncle, which explains much. It also means that Nix is his cousin, their mother wasn't who they thought it was. You know who it is so we will get to that later. Ezenqui didn't tell anyone except Babyiax and Juni that she was leaving. I stayed in the mortal realm with Juni. I became the Altréz of Ezenqui.

The Shadow behind the LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora