Chapter six: Gowelleah

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Since my last task it has now been around 4 years of silence.
Junifere and Ezen often went out to the Quirl city village trading area. Ezen needed parts for her latest prototype armor. This day Zenifere joined them too. He needed a new handle for his sword. We were just exiting the shop when Ezen saw a shadow behind a building. It stood out as it was armored, it was rare for mortals to wear armor and the army was not posted in armor. As they were walking back to the castle, Ezen saw the shadow tailing them. She notified Junifere, who was on her left, he told Zenifere. They rounded the corner and Junifere held back a bit and waited for the shadow discreetly. Zenifere grabbed his sword out of the holster and hid it on the left. When the shadow rounded the corner, Junifere swiftly used his fighting training and grabbed the shadow and tossed him in the light. He wore Queakear riot armor. The rioters were those who gathered and killed those trying to flee the Queakeares and were general 'peacekeepers'. Rioters never left territory. Zenifere maneuvered his sword and knocked the roiter's mask and hood off. His hair was dirty blonde and his eyes were dark blue, like Ezen looked like in her youth before her hair turned brown. The rioter grabbed his weapon belt and tossed it over to Zenifere, then he surrendered. Zenifere called guards over and they took the rioter to Quirl.

When we returned to Quirl, Zenifere  went down to see the rioter, find the angle and all that. Zenifere returned late that evening. Ezen waited until late when everyone was asleep to go see him...

He was older, all grown up. He would be around 360 years old now. He looked tired, scared, and sad. I pitied him, watching him sleep.

"Gowelleah." Ezen said. I heard his breathing change, and he rose calmly and sat up. He looked up at Ezen. He probably didn't recognise her at first. When he had last seen Ezen, she had dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, matching him. Now Ezen had one white eye and one brown, from a Queakear injury that left her blind in her left eye, and her hair was dark brown.

"Ezen? Ezen, is that you?" He asked, "please let it be you."

"It's me eathéare." Ezen said gentility. Gowelleah looked at Ezen. he stood up and cautiously moved towards the border between them, containing him. A sorry expression crossed his face.
"I was a child. I was alone. The Queakeares took me in, raised me. They trained me. I never stopped thinking of you, my isteaħ, were you dead? Alive? When I heard they captured the heir and a girl with them, I hoped it wasn't you. When I found out it was you, I helped Aleahx sneak onto territory and take you away. I had ties there so I had to stay. I made sure they got you and Zenfere away safely. I said I had ties at the time. They are dead now, so I fled. I went to the outlanders, laid refuge there." he told her.
"Why did you return? You know that you would end up here. You must have known the legacy of Zenifere Quearose." Ezen told him
"I came back for you. To apologize. Your still my isteaħ in my eyes." he said to Ezen
"You shouldn't have come back Gowelleah. They haven't run your genetics yet. I can fake the tests. While you're here you're not related to me. It's too dangerous. If they know who you are then you will be killed."
"Did you see the armor I wore? I'm a rioter. I rounded up those who tried to flee, innocents, children, the children were sent to flee camps and raised to be weapons and the adults were killed. I did THAT, Ezen, Me. I'm likely to be killed anyway. I don't care for my life anymore. I may not have liked the Queakeares but I had a life and people there. They are all dead now. I wanted to see you, make amends with you. Then I don't care what happens." He paused. I could see what he said was true. Rioters are the worst of all Queakear soldiers. Any captured were killed. But Gowelleah was still alive. He's stalling to see Ezen. He's dead either way.
"Tomorrow when they come I will tell them what they need to know. I just wanted to see you once more. I am truly sorry, Ezen."
"Jámíé wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault Gowelleah. I can sort something out, I've broken people out before. I can make you disappear."
"Ezen dont. Not for me, don't risk your freedom for me."
"I'm sorry Gowelleah. I will try and join Zenifere tomorrow, but if he is in one of his moods you're doomed."
"Then I will try to be calm." Gowelleah chuckled.

I like Gowelleah, I told Ezen. I do too, she said quietly. We walked back to Ezen's room quietly. I didn't want to process it. It's my fault. It's my fault Jámíé died. It's my fault that Gowelleah got outcast. It's my fault. I don't dare tell Ezen.

Ezen didn't sleep that night. We just lead there, thinking. I could hear Junifere through the 'soundproof' walls. He was singing one of his favorite tunes, he was probably fixing or tinkering things, like he does. Everybody likes me, everyone is afraid of me, it's because I am odd. Everybody hates me, everyone's afraid of me, it's because I can kill. Nobody likes me, everyone's afraid of me, it's because I am crazed. It's a dark tune but it's catchy. It was written in our childhood. It's known as 'his tune' as everyone says it applies to him, except Ezen and I, we know the truth. The tune continues until sunrise. Junifere, like Ezen, has trouble sleeping. It is proven that those with eyes are more likely to switch in their sleep. Junifere is scared that he will switch in his sleep and Zenifere will lock him away again, it's happened before.

Ezen and I got up at sunrise. I like to watch Súnéz rise. Súnéz is the name of our sun. Today we wait on the stairs. Zenifere gets up around an hour after sunrise. Ezen took a prototype retractable dagger with her to tinker with while she waits. Zenifere's door opens a few minutes after Ezen sat on the stairs. "I guess you want to meet our rioter. Either that or you have to tell me something." Zenifere said gleefully.
"You know me too well." Ezen said. They walked side-by-side down to Gowelleah. He was waiting for us, like he knew. He looked at Ezen like a parent disciplining a child. Zenifere saw this and looked between them. "Am I missing something here? '' Zenifere asked curiously
"I thought the great Ezen-John Teremíx would be older." Gowelleah said, mischievously. Zenifere looked at him, sternly. Gowelleah stood up and stood near the barrier.
"Who are you and what are you doing here? Why are you here?" Zenifere demanded
"I came back here to see my sister. I escaped Queakear territory a few months ago." Gowelleah told him casually, like having a conversation with an old friend. This infuriated Zenifere.
"And who is your sister?" Zenifere demanded. Gowelleah looked at Ezen and smirked discreetly. Ezen looked at him, knowing what he was about to say, trying to tell him No.
"You won't believe this, but she's standing right next to you." Gowelleah said casually.
"Ezen? Ezen doesn't have a brother." Zenifere said, confused.
"Yes I do, I have a brother." Ezen said, quietly "Your brother Gowelleah is dead, Ezen. My father made sure of it, Junifere didn't want him to but he was the king. I never told you'' Zenifere said
"I can tell you right now. Gowelleah is alive, and right here. He speaks the truth." Ezen said, hesitantly. Zenifere's look was wiped off his face and he gave Ezen a look of anger,
"What?" Zenifere said loudly, "You didn't think to tell me? After all I have done for you! This is the thanks I get?"
"I only found out last night that it actually is him." Ezen defended
"and you weren't going to tell me?" Zenifere shouted.
"I told her not to. Our relation to each other is irrelevant. As I told Ezen, I returned to apologize. Once my amends have been made, I don't care what happens to me. Now i have made loose ends meet i don't care what happens to me, if you want information from me i am more than happy to give it as long as you keep Ezen away from me, she doesn't need my influence, and she should be safe, and then my mind is yours, Zenifere Quearose, My king." Gowelleah told Zenifere. He never raised his voice, but he still sounded threatening, but trusting at the same time. Zenifere looked confused. He directed Ezen to leave. She was hesitant at first but she knew Zenifere would ask a second time, so she reluctantly made her way back up to her room.

Ezen only saw Zenifere in passing the next few days. He spent lots of time down below with, I'm guessing, Gowelleah. I remember feeling worried about him, what was going on? Is Gowelleah alright? Alive. I know Zenifere's reputation.

But one morning Ezen woke up to a Knock on her door. She opened it to see Gowelleah standing in front of her.
"Gowelleah, what the fuck? Does Zenifere know you're here? Oh my Gödes You'll be killed for escaping!" Ezen said, beckoning him into her room and closing the door.
"Well it's a good thing I didn't escape. Zenifere has been sorting out a room for me and it is finally finished! He wanted to surprise you" Gowelleah said, gleefully. I didn't really pay attention, he is Ezen's brother, they deserve privacy. I can say however that I was surprised, to say the least. I still hate Zenifere.

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