Chapter nine: Corpelleáh

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Ezen went to Islansnov. She needed to clear her head, get away from the politics, war talk and the stress. It wasn't for her. Again, it's ironic. She went to where she originated from, before her mother's death, before Gowelleah was outcast. It was here she met Corpelleáh. It was either fate or pure coincidence, but I think it was this fate which led to the escape, led me back to Him, wicked pure evil fucking fate. Fuck this. I hate her. I am glad she is dead. This is her fault. I should have known. It's my fault.

Corpelleáh welcomed Ezen into her home and village. She was a kind soul. She reminded me of my life before, reminded me of Juni. Her hair was dark red. It reminded me of Juni's wings. Her eyes were Tréaŧról yellow. She claimed to have a late husband, I don't remember the name, or care, she also had a son, I don't care about his name. Ezen didn't let her onto her true self at first. She tucked her wings and hid her scars. She couldn't hide her eye though. White fucking bitch evil eye. She used contacts that reflected the color of her right eye. She hid her true self but she can't hide now. Our time has come to the end and she will die when this is over, I promise.

Ezen had adjusted to life here in Islansnov. She liked the quiet life. But of course she had to be dragged back into the chaotic life she hated. Junifere brought Corpelleáh and Ezen home. It was no home to Ezen, but not too much longer before that change, the change she has so desperately waited for, is applied. And I hate it.

Corpelleáh was welcomed as one of their own at Quirl castle; she and Zenithe grew very close. This would lead to his downfall.
Ezen renounced her title. She claimed that she no longer needed to be an Altréz as Zenithe had proven himself worthy. Zenithe was a good king, is.

It was the. Seven hundred and second Games where we met her son.
The Games were one day every few years, sometimes two if there are more events. It is the only official days when the war is put on hold and both sides gather at a stadium built after the battle of crowns. It used to be held someplace east of the Quirl border but an arson attack happened and it burnt down. The vast building is specially used for this specific event. It can hold thousands. Whoever wins the games gets to use the arena until the next one. The Queakeares have only won three games in the entire history of the event. The games were a good tradition. It's the only time no fighting has been directly held between the sides, if you don't count the competition. There are many rounds for all skill sets. For the Quearoses there are qualifiers to enter and heavy duty training for each specific event. Then there are open rounds, they are there for the crowd to get ready and warmed up. The competitors sit nearer the bottom or in the pits, dependent on the round. The final battle is the Fight Of Champions, it is the strongest representative of each side will fight each other until yield or death, Ezen is fighting as the champion, Juniqui is the Queakeare champion. Zenithe is a strong fighter, we agree as a side that without a clear line then the king should not fight, a team needs their leader or they fall apart.

Corpelleáh's son was horrible, he hated her, I understand why now but we didn't then. Luckily, he was competing in the earlier rounds so couldn't sit with her. When his round came, he won, but he was found later dead in the pits. It was a simple and deadly poison, left no genetic trace, used elements of the unknown, postered the final kill as a stroke or heart attack, even seizure.Ezen had poisoned his weapon, as he used his weapon it poisoned his veins, killing him.

Corpelleáh was saddened, and probably relieved when she heard.
Ezen fought her was clear Juniqui would not back down, nor would Ezen, that's what they liked about her, she never and I mean NEVER backed down, its haunting to be hunted. It was close but in the end, we won, Ezen won for them again, for the second time in a row.

After the Games life returned as usual. Corpelleáh moved back for the funeral and she didn't return after. Ezen was shown the way of the Svötte. A Svötte is a canine species, unlike the Jargon which are a feline species. They can be the same colors as the Jargons. Only some can have wings, very few. Their species has been around for many years, like the Jargon but unlike them, they didn't go extinct, they stayed hidden in the hunting era and were eventually forgotten. They are still hunted by some of those who know of their existence. There were packs both forced and natural (forced are captured hunted) in both Quearose and Queakeare territory but mostly the outlands.  Ezen joined a pack. The leader is called Döte. Ezen helped Zenithe bring down all Quearose Svötte camps and outlaw the hunting and killing of Svöttes. Ezen soon moved in with her pack, after showing Junifere the way of the Svötte also. Junifere also got Svötte wings, they are plain gorgeous gray. While in her time with her pack, Ezen trained two apprentices, Vee-Vee and Pö, they were litter mates. I know what happened to them after the fall. I met with Pö a long while after Tréa joined me.

It was all going well. We had purposely. Then Juni contacted Ezen.

He never would have told me he had spoken with her if I wasn't there. When we separated I told him to stay away from Ezen. Stay away means stay THE FUCK away from her. She is MINE. He broke a promise. Next time I see him, I thought, I will snap his fucking throat and let him bleed out. Then I remember what Ezen says, rage isn't solved with violence, she's one to talk. It may not be solved with violence, but it sure helps me feel better. She is right though. He cannot control me anymore, I am free. What am I talking about? He raised me, why am I thinking this? Am I possessed? What the fuck, shut up. No it's, never mind. I can't tell him this. This is to help him not curse him. Actually no, fuck him. He didn't help in this! He bloody supported this, he supported her.
How messed up was Shaddo? I don't blame them honestly Juni, my father shouldn't have supported her, she was wrong. I will erase this bit about it, it's not all about you Juni. Everything was a lot. They went through a lot.

He never would have told me he had spoken with her if I wasn't there. When we separated I told him to stay away from Ezen. He broke a promise. However he never told her about our past. Juni did what he was good at. Threatening. He threatened Ezen into submission. To kill Corpelleáh. "Why?" Ezen asked. She was met with a ugly demand, she is a traitor and a spy. Why would he care though? It's not for his benefit. Ezen flew to Islansnov and confronted Corpelleáh. When confronted she changed. She was twisted and wicked. She revealed the gaps Juni had left. She was a double, she revealed how she was actively working with the Queakeares and how, most importantly, was the Altréz of Juni. He had personal gain after all. Why did he want her dead? What is worse, he never told me. He said; he promised that he would tell me if he got or even thought about getting another Altréz, and he didn't. He is a fucking traitor.

Instead of killing her immediately, Ezen returned and told Junifere everything except the name. Junifere said that he would kill her if it were him. When Ezen told Junifere the name he went back on his word, it was too late, so he told Zenithe. Zenithe was too late though, he got to them right after, but the deed had been done and the contact was up. He punished Ezen out of fury and betrayal. His eyes were bright yellow and glowing in anger. After a week I got us out. I got us back to Ezen's pack but when Gowelleah, Zenithe and Junifere came looking, she fled to the outlanders who hid her until Zenithe's anger had settled. Which was a long time.

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