Chapter Five: Freedom

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It's my fault. I questioned everything when I woke up at the Outlanders. Aleahx had said that Junifere had called him. Aleahx had rushed over to Beaxeanvi, luckily their camp wasn't too far out. The water elementals had put the fire out and they all pulled us out of the wreckage. They buried Milóz on the hill which on a clear day you could see both territories from. Junifere had to return to Quearose territory to Zenifere. He told Aleahx that he had to go back, Aleahx said that he could stay here but Junifere said that Zenifere wouldn't stop hunting him or may even punish Ezen to keep Junifere on a lead. We didn't see Junifere for a long while after that. I didn't hear from Juni either.

I don't remember the Games between the sides that long ago. I remember after though. While the games had gone on, three Queakear doubles had sunk into Quirl, they released everyone, including Junifere. Almost everyone who was below joined the Queakear trio and returned to Meainéz with them. A few were caught and taken elsewhere to places like Ansestrí, which they had to go through to cross the border. When Zenifere and Ezen returned to Quirl after winning the games, Junifere was sitting on the stairs of Quirl Castle, reading a book, casually like it was the norm. Zenifere, before announcing our presence, took one of his glistening swords from its holster. He cautiously walked through the entrance. Junifere looked up from his book. He gently picked it up and slowly placed it beside him, revealing his dirty bare hands to show he was defenseless. "What are you doing Junifere?" Zenifere demanded
"Three mercs, wearing Queakear brands. Fire and air elementals, I think. Like the crown's soldiers. Released all of us. Only two of us stayed. The other one stayed, her name is Villie. I was going to come and warn you, but I didn't know where the games were based this time, and also my face is very well known, there's that too." Junifere said casually. I just can't help but love his personality sometimes, Junifere can make the most dire of situations humorous and bareable. Zenifere looked at him in shock, I think, Zenifere was never really good at expressing emotions, it was either shock or disgust. Zenifere must have thought that Junifere was really stupid and foolish, for not running. However it's how Junifere has always said, show loyalty and one day freedom will be ours. The only point of running is just showing that you are guilty- Juni always told me that. Junifere is always wise, but then again, he's been through a lot. We all have, but not as much as him. Zenifere, for the first time since I've known him, showed sympathy. I wasn't aware that he had mortal emotions in all honesty.  Zenifere must have noticed what Ezen has been telling him this whole time, Junifere isn't the worst. In quite honestly, he's the fucking best.

It took time for Zenifere to let Junifere have complete freedom but it pleased Ezen that it looked as though he was trying.
After a year or so, Zenifere's paranoia settled and he started trusting Junifere a bit more, he even allowed him to go out alone for an hour or so at a time, which isn't much but better than what it was.

Juni contacted me. It's been 3 years since my last task. It was a simple task. Kill some, dont link them. When I had completed the last hit it had been a year since he had given me the tasks. I had to space them out. I worked at night, leaving no trace. Some were slow poison, some quick, some framing someone, others looking like they did it themselves ect...
Juni left it for a bit and the world was quieter. I missed him though, like a moth to a burning flame I will always never be able to resist his presence.

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