Chapter four: Milóz

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It was a couple months after we returned that Ezen convinced Zenifere to release her. A few weeks or so into freedom, I finally introduced myself. Ezen thought that she created me as a fictive or something as a coping mechanism. I let her believe that. Ezen now knowing of my existence, taught me how to feel mortal emotions, I guess I became soft. Ezen and I became close with time. I was told to never tell Ezen of Juni's influence over me, I never did tell Ezen-John Teremíx.
A couple weeks after I properly met Ezen, I was tasked to kill someone. It was a simple task. I did it discreetly, so it looked like an accident. Juni tasked me with more tasks after that. I obeyed of course.

It was a glorious morning, that day when we woke up. My friend, Milóz, and I met at the border of Quearose territory. Milóz was outlander, he was our age which was 412. We were young, and stupid.                      
We broke out Junifere, like we had done many times before. His eyes had finally settled and he was better in himself- though of course, like myself and Ezen, he was a bit messed up- though Zenifere never saw that until Junifere showed his true loyalty. This specific morning we went to Bixeanvi Castle. Since the death of ZenQui, the castle has been abandoned. We broke in like we had done on many occasions before. We went to the hall this time. Milóz wanted to teach Junifere a new thieving trick he had learned. Milóz was born outlander, he grew up sneaking onto the territories and stealing. He was very good at what he did and sometimes even stole from us but he always gave whatever back. His hair was a dark rich brown and his eyes were a glorious royal glowing blue. His weapon was a retractable double-bladed stick. The handle was a strengthened aħés with gold detailing. The blades were made of reenforced ioroe, a simple lightweight flexible metal, not as delicate as FeLonéx but lighter then thórnés. We were all lolling around when it started to become increasingly harder to breath. The hall filled with the stench of smoke and collapsed wood. We opened the vast óke doors to reveal a room of smoke. It crept into our lungs, poisoning us. Fire is one of Junifere's main triggers. I turned to my right to see Junifere looking back at me, eyes glowing bright yellow, blending in with the flames beside us. Milóz was behind me to the left. In the moment, we all rushed out. Junifere ran first, then I did, Milóz was behind me. Shortly after we left the hall I heard the archway collapse behind us. If we had stayed a few moments longer we would have either been trapped in, or crushed, but i didn't look back, we ran. I only looked back once we were out. Junifere was looking at me, calmly terrified eyes. Where's Milóz? I think, looking around. My eyes glow white as I look back into the flames. Through the smoke I see a figure. Without thinking, I sprint back into the flames. I hear Junifere behind me say something and try to grab me but it's too late. I didn't realize but as I ran back in, Junifere had stolen my communicator.
Milóz wasn't far from the hall. The walls had collapsed in on him, trapped him. As I reached him I heard the main entrance archway groan and collapse, trapping us inside. The air got thick. Milóz was barely conscious. To stay alive I separated myself from some of the mortal limits of the body. Bright Golden brown wings erupted from my back and my white eyes glowed black. Milóz looked back on me. He said between breaths, "I'm doomed to die, escape now. Please, leave me".            
  "I will not leave you Milóz," I said. I used my wings to flap away the smoke but mortality limited me and I was exhausted. I tried to lift Milóz away from that trapping him but it was no use. Milóz died in my arms. And I stop fighting, I let the begging mortality seize my beautiful burnt wings. I inhaled deeply, and let the smoke fill my lungs. I am ready to die. I don't care anymore

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