Chapter Fourteen: The Separation

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Life before has been forgotten, if there was ever a life before. It's harder to remember the fighting before, for them. It's been 78 years since we were pushed underground.

We have been gathering our troops to begin the end. The Queakeares will not stop hunting until they capture or kill, or both, someone of the throne. Juni and Ezen plan to go to the Gödes tonight. Tonight they will expose Zen for what he truly is, but will they be believed?

I didn't realize what was coming, but I never do. Ezen will go up to the Gödes with Juni, she may not be Altréz but she still had influence. However I never thought for any reason that this would be the last time Ezen-John Teremix ever existed. This is the act of kindness that leads to the creation of Ezenqui, the one who created me, and the one who will destroy me.

This is from what I was told as I am unable to go to the Gödes with Ezen. Juni was un-exiled after sharing his memories with Goni, he finally had the proper trial he deserved. He wasn't, however, allowed to rejoin the Gödes because of what he had done during exile (which was only the stuff they know about). Zen was banished too and Ezen was actually offered his role of Göde of goodness, but Ezen declined, Venti was given that role. The Gonichooia then offered Ezen the unthinkable, to become a Demi-Göde, of war and peace, and she accepted. Ezen has only a mild trace of Göde blood in her, the weakest trace a Göde has ever had, Venti was the first half blood to ever be awarded the title of Göde- that we know of. Ezen is only one twelfth Göde.  However for me I would not become a Göde. Ezen, now Ezenqui, worked with The Gonichooia to fabricate an embodiment of my own, and then our souls were separated.

Ezenqui, Juni and myself arrived back in the mortal world. Juni and I had to pretend like we didn't know each other. Juni, in a good faith of Ezenqui, gave her some abilities of limbo and taught her the power of revival. He also granted her an unconditional favor debt, also known as a blood burden, I had many. If he had knew it then, then he wouldn't have given it to her. If he or I knew then we would have told The Gonichooia. But we didn't know. This specific blood burden I know now would eventually lead to my death, and change Juni's life, but not in a good way.

Ezenqui kept me hidden. I hid away in Juni's room, unlike him, I could roam freely all the time, even when the border was up. But I never left, not until Ezenqui said it was safe.

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