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Ezen opened the room next to Juni's. Juniqui sat in the dark corner in silence. He looked up at Ezen and stood up. "Morning, I think?" He said quietly,
"Morning it is. Quileahleah has requested you to a table meeting, to decide your fate." Ezen said in the voice she uses with the Gödes,
"Who's Quileahleah?" Juniqui asked
"Quileahleah is the king and Altréz the the Gonichooia," Ezen responded, "now please come with me, I only ask once." She said while walking out. Juni was waiting outside in his new armor and his blades in their new holder, his wings were covered in armor too, Ezen had made it for him, if they were going to fight their way out, skin wings are easier to down, they need to be covered. They walked to one of the formerly empty rooms which they had converted into a table room. Juni opened the large doors to reveal the vast room. The room was large and bare. The walls were made of exposed gray cobblestone with beige cement. The floor was matching to the hallways and bare rooms, sone underneath with synthetic overlay to make it smooth enough for the large oáke table made from old support beams and genius engineering to stop the ceiling falling down. The chairs were simple synthetic, the type that would break if you sat on them wrong, which Gowelleah found out the hard way. There are fifteen chairs for the members of the table. There are only eight members though, Játhke, Junifere, Melóse, Quileahleah, Gowelleah, Asoles, Eanestar and vestibule, treaose was also present.
Quileahleah stood at the back of the room, facing the wall. I assume he wanted to look intimidating or something. The table stood up as we entered- I mean the members, not the actual table, that's ridiculous. Ezen stood Juniqui at the head of the table on the opposite side of the king. He is standing intimidatingly at the end of the room, Quileahleah is, his wings are white like snow and seem to glow in the dimly lit room. Quileahleah turned around as the table sat. He stood at his end, its that look, the last look I saw before I never saw again. "Juniqui, you are brought before the Quearose table for your crimes in the role of the Queakeare skiing, under Quearose and Göde law." As he spoke I could see two small fangs on his perfect set of white teeth, he's morphed in his half-Jargon form to look the part, it's his father, he wants to look intimidating, fearsome. It's that bond they never had, he wants to impress his father, he wants to show off his power, show off what he has achieved without him, he needs this, he needs to show how powerful he has become since he gained his title, since he renounced his former name, QuiJuni.
In times of most need it is necessary to show power, never show fear, fear makes you weak, never show emotion, weak. I am weak, I am mortal, we know that, I am what you made me, are you happy? Did I please you? Because I cannot be what I once was, I am what I am. I would do it again, I will, not ever. The Shaddo you knew is gone, I gutted them from the inside out, I left their body out to rot at Tréz-Sor. And I enjoyed it. You see I was never forced, I liked it. I liked serving. My service is not forgotten. But it was them that made me like this, shaped me into who I am, but I am no more, am I? They, him, her. Fuck them. No. Wait. What? It's, its, no never mind. This isn't it. Ju... my Phoenix, protect him. What was I talking about? I am watching him sleep now. I am surrounded by skin wings, the one who started this, and the one who created this. He is losing his few matted feathers, he's lost three these past weeks, but he has not been possessing. Stress? He is worried for me, my fate, he knows what is to come. He knows what she will do. And that is why when my Phoenix comes, I will die. The one with true demonic skin wings will pain physically, under her hands. And the one who created me will resist, he will pain mentally as I am torn from my very spirituality and cease to exist. And then he will act, three short moves and knock the Altréz and the weak mortal, and down the Demi-Göde. He will flee with my Phoenix and his twin as they all pain, morn. But the deed has been done. I have fallen. What is this?
"I go by Zachareáh now, I wish to leave my cursed forced past role with its name." Zachareáh said.
The meeting was very tense, too tense for me so I kinda just zoned out, meetings are never for me really. In all honesty, in my time as Shálletí I only ever attended a few meetings, then Tréa came and he didn't mind the admin, I liked the practatility. The verdict, the ending, was simple and didn't need the excess fourteen hours it took. Zachareáh was permitted out during the day and in during night, like Juni originally had. I never really liked Zachareáh, especially after I took my title, and the incident with Quileahleah...

When we finally got out of that long meeting, Juni and Ezen trained. All we could do underground is train. Any attempt to leave was forbidden for everyone's safety. It was for our safety. We don't know what's going on out there, for all we know the world is on fire. I know they feel pain for their people. We are safe down here. We know and tell each other that if we go outside alone we could be captured and killed or worse. Death is a release, you will either be tormented in limbo or blessed in the afterlife, that's what I thought at the time. Death isn't a pleasure, death is a curse. I know that now.

I come alive at night when no one else is around. I've explored every inch of the tunnels and back all the way to Islansnov where they end. I woke Juni in the night, actually, he woke me. His room is meant to be soundproof. The vent system goes right through the rooms and I can hear whispers at night, sometimes it's Juni, sometimes Zachareáh. Ezen sleeps in the kitchen, on the ceiling right next to the vent. She is the only one who sleeps here. Juni's eyes scare him, to a point. Living in fear of yourself is not a good life, but we continue. But when he woke me, it was a whisper. This whisper I can hear from anywhere, miles apart, I can hear from limbo sometimes. He whispers in my language, the language of the shadows. Ealistanvi esnenavequise voh, he said and I awoke. Qualistanesti e ven se, I responded. He never knew much shadow but he knew the phrase. I would speak it to him in times of woe and we ended using it as our quote. Wake my pretty one, he would say, rise and conquer your fails apples you, I would respond. He never quite knew completely what it meant, I taught him the first line in case he ever needed to summon me and we were apart. I didn't know he remembered it, it's been milenions since we last spoke it, from his point of view in limbo. Time works differently there, one day is one month estimated, and its been six hundred and sixty eight  years since we have last spoken, in the mortal realm times, if my calculations are correct... that should be... about seven million, three hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred years, and thats just an estimate.
I summon my powers and I appear in front of him, in my true form. He smiles.
"I have missed you, you're as beautiful as the day I lost you." He spoke softly, I missed him more than I was willing to admit.
"Ezen's asleep so we must speak quietly, I do not have long. I have always been here, I have seen everything. Ezen believes you, so does Quileahleah and Babyiax." I told him.
"You told them?" He asked cautiously.
"Not me, Ezen. She spared the details of who and how. She told them that Zen has been lying to keep his powers, and yours. He is growing weaker, I can sense it."
"I am growing stronger, being in this realm. It must be related, we have not been in the same realm this long since... since my exile."
"That's good. You will need your strength" I said.
"Shaddo what are you planning? How will I need my strength?" He asked, curiously. I want to tell him; that we are going to get out of here, and single-handedly take back the territories, but I know, deep down, they will always hate us, me. I know that if I use my power they will try and abuse it, I have seen mortals try before, and fail. But never have the Gödes known, and they never will. They will, they do, now, but I didn't know that then, I do now though.

The Shadow behind the LightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin