William Cochran

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William fell off a platform in Glasgow
He had a lump on his head now
Unknown internal bleeding as his health got worse
He wasn't living the best life lacking a necessity source

His body grew tired
But he kept going with how he was wired
He went to America after his son was born in 1910 in the Fall
Victoria Cochran passed away after Marcus' birth and went up on Heaven's call

William's son was only four years old
They were in America I was told
The trip over on the ship
Was hard on William and he need a dime or tip

William's body and heart gave out on a cobblestone street
By a store front when he fell off his feet
Father's Father passed away
And Marcus William Cochran would stay

But William's body returned home
Home to Glasgow so Victoria wouldn't be laid at rest alone
There was no funeral and Dad was penny less and without a place to stay
He began work and saved his pay

He built his family's home and finished his father's labor and dream
Finally a finished circus magnificent like no one's ever seen
William is always with him and always with Madison Marcus Elizabeth Cochran, his son's kid
And William's legacy continues with his son and his 4th generation and The Cochran Circus lives on with the hard great labor William Henry Cochran did

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