The Bar

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We didn't know that it was him who drove over the  electrical wires
We didn't put it together until after the fire
Bentley was driving the Tennent machine around
And drove over and shredded the wires to the merry go round

Bentley didn't say he drove over the ride power chords and cables
But Father saw the look on his face when that ride grew unstable
Bentley saw the smoke and a growing flame
But he was afraid if he spoke up, he'd get the blame

He feared saying: "Marcus, your carousel is smoking and there's another spark!"
Because he didn't want to ruin opening night of The Cochran Park
The center pole snapped with chipping red paint and splinters
The laughter grew cold like our Nebraska Winters

The crashing sound from Omaha was so loud and boisterous with an echo of the crash
Residents in Lincoln, Papillon, Douglas, Dodge and Blair
May have heard it and gotten a scare

I stood with Bartholomew nearby and we heard the crash
Bart looked at Elizabeth who picked me up and towards Marcus we made a quick dash
We reached Daddy and he fell to the ground in disbelief
Everyone in tears trying to get some relief

Bentley stared and froze
As Daddy got back on his toes
The dust and smoke and flames rose
Glass covered the ground and ash on everyone's nose

Bentley narrowly escaped the inside of the panels when the sweeps fell
But he survived the flames hot like hell
How, we don't know but there were those who did survive
The collapse of that C.W. Parker ride

I clung to Mommy and Bart came closer with a nervous look in his eyes
Daddy tried to think through the cries
Wood everywhere and the flames growing hotter and taller
The crowd of people getting smaller

A little boy a a little girl being shuffled out by their mother
An older boy with a hat covered in ash walking away with his brother
A little girl six years older than me
Taking in the carnage she sees

Mommy gave me to Daddy as he became afraid
So much pain and he felt it in this mess Bentley made
Daddy held my head against his chest and tucked my face into his jacket at the clouds of smoke
He took me to clear area with Bart to breathe and discuss the ride that was just broke

Daddy made sure Mommy and Lucy and Alison could find where we were going
As we left, Daddy's paranoia kept showing
Alison, Lucy and Mommy wanted to stay and try to help and make give Marcus more 'time'
To explain this situation and not think of it as a crime

Daddy hesitated to leave
But he couldn't think and we struggled to breathe

Cochran Legacy (I Remember The Cochran Circus) Where stories live. Discover now