The Tub

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Before Richard tried to hold me under the water
Before he tried to drown Marcus and Elizabeth's daughter
He forced me to sit in scalding water in the tub and I felt the tent flames once more
Other nights he'd force me into very cold water and leave me soaked on the floor

Never liked taking a bath or shower when I was taken away from the Show
I don't like tubs with showers, they hold memories of pain a four year old mind shouldn't know
The curtain feels like a death trap
Hiding trauma (of a slap) on the Louisiana map

At 4025, Father only gave me a bath in the tub, I wasn't ever in the shower
I remember the claw foot tub and how the bathroom smelled like a flower
No soap in my eyes
And always a midnight lullaby

The tub that is here
Is like Richard's, the one I feared
A tub built into the wall
And a shower head where the water would fall

I miss that tin tub I took a bath in at the show
There's no trauma there, just soap on my toes
And bubbles on my nose
There's no need for me to use the shower stalls, that's just how it goes

They don't hold water
And it's easier for them to watch their daughter
At least Daddy doesn't put soap in my mouth and neither does Mommy
Nobody hurts me, not Johnnie and not Tommie

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