The box

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(Y/ns pov)
When I woke up I was in some sort of box moving really fast upwards and I couldn't remember anything things were surrounding me and I was to scared to look when the box came to a halt and the doors opened a lot of boys were staring down at me when a boy with blonde hair jumped down "come on greenie let's get you out of here shall we?" He spoke while reaching his hand out for me to grab I noticed he had an accent "don't be scared greenie I'm newt let's just get you out of here." He spoke again and i grabbed his hand and we climbed out of the box I was now surrounded by boys and a lot it was way too overwhelming so I ran I didn't exactly know where but I was running I stopped when I bumped into him the prettiest boy I've ever seen he was a Korean boy who was absolutely gorgeous "you're the new greenie I was expecting a boy." He said his voice was deep "and what does that have to do with anything?" I say back genuinely asking "everything you're a girl and well you'll most likely be a gardener because you can't do very much anyway." He said and that made me furious "well what are you?" I asked back with a sassy tone "I'm a runner the fastest one too." He said back with seriousness "not anymore." I say back "you think you're faster we'll test that tonight then in like you I have places to be." And with that he ran off I look around for a moment taking in where I was when I heard a voice behind me.

"Greenie welcome to the glade let me show you around." A darker boy had said I followed him around and he told me the rules which were do your part never harm another glader and never go beyond the walls which all made sense he continued to speak but I honestly stopped listening I was thinking about that boy he really was gorgeous but so rude I thought i might have liked him but now I'm not so sure this boy chuck was helping me set my hammock up and just ranting about how I was doing way better than he was and other things like that when I went to find newt because he's the only one I really trust in this place I think it was because he was the first person I first saw when I find him he was glad to see me "hey greenie!" He spoke happily "hi newt!" I say back "can I ask you something?" I ask and he nods "who is that boy over there?" I ask pointing to the boy from earlier "oh that's Minho he's the keeper of the runners the fastest one here." He answers "not for long." I say and he looked at me confused "I'm basically saying I think I'm faster." He laughs "greenie no offense but no one is faster than Minho we've all tried." Maybe that was true "you all have but I haven't." He made the face of your right and I know I was.

*later that night at the bonfire*
It was time to race Minho I'm starting to really regret my decision but I wasn't going to let him know that "rules are simple greenie here to the wall and back." Minho had stated the gladers lined up with torches all the way to the wall so we could see once Alby made the call we took off at first Minho was a little bit ahead but I made it to the wall first and for a few seconds we were running side by side but in the end I beat him back to Alby everyone was stunned even Minho "told you I was faster." I say with a smirk "I think I may have found you a job my friend." Alby stated "and what is that?" Newt asked "a runner and not just a runner but co keeper of the runners." Alby spoke once again "oh come on it was this close i don't need a co keeper I'm perfectly fine on my own!" Minho said angrily "my decision is final Minho." Alby said before returning to the bonfire where everyone started walking to "no hard feelings Minho?" I guess a part of me wanted him to say no and good job but he didn't "ha yes there is a lot of hard feelings shank!" He storms off towards the fire like everyone else I stood there for a minute upset then went back to the rest when someone spoke to me "hey greenie wanna try and beat me?" A boy I didn't recognize "come on gally she's the only girl." Newt had said "no it's fine yeah." I stepped in the circle and he explained the rules "rules are simple try and get me out of the circle and try and last longer than 5 seconds." When we started he charged at me and all I did was move to the side and he ran himself out of the circle and it was in that moment I remembered my name "Y/N MY NAME IS Y/N!" I shout and people started yelling when Gally spoke to me "welcome to the glade y/n." Newt handed me a drink and I took a sip it was awful then that's when I heard it a screech "what was that?" I ask "that my friend is a griever." Gally had spoke when Alby said to pack it up and I went over to my hammock and laid down I lay there for a while thinking about what Minho said all I wanted was to be his friend and maybe I just went about it the wrong way I think I'm going to talk to him in the morning and try and make this right after a while I drift off to sleep.

Here is the first chapter! I hope you like it the next one shall be out soon I love you guys and till next chapter <3

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