The Greenie

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(Y/ns pov)
It's been a month since I got here a few weeks since the kiss between Minho and I I've tried to talk to him but every single time I've been ignored at first I was confused but now I'm just angry how could he do something like that but what did I expect? That we'd fall in love and start a family someday? Because that would never happen.

Not the point though Gally and I have gotten a lot closer and we've realized that we're twins because we look way too similar and we're the exact same age he still doesn't know about Minho and I have no intention on telling him running in the maze with Minho was horrible not talking having an awkward silence the entire time however today i don't have to run the maze Minho took Ben so I have a day off which is nice and I needed the break soon the box will come up and I won't be the greenie anymore and I'm loving it.

When the box did come up it was just another boy who took off running towards the doors then face planted. It was kinda funny so I laughed a little bit and went on with my day I ended up climbing my tree and sitting there most of the day Newt had came to speak with me a few times and I went and ate lunch with him and the others but went back to my tree after it's the only place i can think without interruptions that was until I heard him Minho.

(Minhos pov)
I had time to think about her y/n I spoke with Newt and I know what I have to do now I feel so bad for ignoring her I just didn't know what I felt but I know now and I need to make it right before I lose that chance.

(Y/ns pov)
"Hey uhm y/n?" Why was he talking to me now after all this time "can we talk?" I want to but if I do what will happen after? "Fine what." I sounded snappy and I have every right to be "can you come down?" I climbed down and stood infront of him "talk you have 4 minutes before I walk away and never speak to you again." I don't know why I said that "look i know you're upset with me but-" I interrupted him "I'm more than upset Minho! You kissed me and we made out then you just ignored me for weeks!" I was more than upset I was mad "yes I know but I had to know how I felt and I needed time to think about it and I like you." He likes me? Really? "If you think that fixes things then you're wrong." He shook his head "I don't expect it too I just was hoping that you could forgive me." Could I? "What happened to I was perfectly fine on my own?" That's what Minho said my first night here "I was stupid and the truth is I'm not fine on my own I need people and I need you I'm sorry." Could I forgive him? I don't know "Minho i just need time to process this because right now I don't know if I can forgive you." He nodded "take as long as you need." And he walked away I stayed there completely clueless.

It was later on in the night at the bonfire with the greenie I was sitting by myself on a log Newt and the greenie came and sat by me "why are you all by yourself?" The greenie asked "it's not my party." It really wasn't "hey what's wrong?" Newt knows me way too well "Minho apologized for everything and he told me he liked me." Newt nodded "I know he's been questioning it for a while do you like him?" Of course I do I have since I met him but I don't know if I do this then things will be different "yes I do but I'm scared." The greenie piped up "what are you scared of?" Newt spoke for me "they didn't always see eye to eye." The greenie nodded.

"Why? If you ask me you guys seem like a perfect fit." Newt laughed "you should've seen them when they first met it was awful." I hit his arm lightly "yeah it was I beat him in a race and he was so mad." Of course that was after the fact but still "you beat him?" I nodded he looked surprised "I thought he was the fastest runner." I laughed "key word was now I am." He looked at me confused "wait you're a runner?" I nodded "yep she is the fastest one too." Newt stated the greenie looked shocked "oh wow I didn't-" I interrupted him "think a girl could do be a runner?" He shook his head "no no not at all!" I laughed "it's okay if you did I honestly don't think that it's what I would've wanted either." Newt then began to speak "shes not just a runner shes co keeper." The Greenie widened his eyes he seemed like he was beyond shocked but I knew that we'd be good friends "hey uhm Newt can I ask you something?" He nodded "ask away love." I took a second to gather my words "if you were in my shoes what would you do?" He paused for a moment "I would listen to my heart it knows best." He was right and for once in this fucked up world everything made sense I needed to talk to Minho "thanks newt I have to go." I stood up and began to walk away "where are you going?" The greenie seemed as though he didn't want me to leave which was cute "to talk to Minho." He smiled and I walked away and over to the rest of the runners and got some high-fives from some of the guys and questions like you having fun or great night right but I had one thing on my mind Minho I go up and tap his shoulder he must have been lost in thought because he jumped a little bit I motioned for him to follow me I had to get him away from the crowd and so I did.

"Whats up?" I took a deep breath and began "I forgive you Minho." He didn't react he was kinda stone faced "thats cool I guess." Oh hell nah we aren't going backwards "okay so I get it everything you said in the deadheads was all shit you don't actually like me and you don't want to be friends. I get it i understand completely." I began walking back to the bonfire when I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back "no everything I said in the deadheads I meant every word and you're right I don't want to be friends-" I interrupted him "I knew it see I should've known that yo-" he cut me off by kissing me only for a split second "let me finish I don't want to be friends with you y/n I want to be more than that." Was he serious like for real "wait what?" He chuckled "y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Oh my god this was happening am I dreaming? Quick say something! "I don't know I think I'm perfectly fine on my own." I say sarcastically but why did I say that at least it was sarcastic right? "You know you really are irritating." I laughed "yes Minho." He smiled and it was official we were together finally we were about to kiss again when we hear people shouting greenie more like chanting it so me go back over to see the greenie and gally in the same circle I had beat gally in a month ago Minho watched as he put his arm around my shoulders I leaned into him as we watched the greenie get crushed by Gally finally the greenie was down hitting his head really hard on the sand "Thomas HEY THOMAS. I REMEMBER MY NAME.. IM THOMAS!" He shouted Alby pointed at him "Thomas!" Everyone cheered and celebrated him when we heard the all to familiar sound "what the hell was that." Huh that's what I said "that my friend was a greiver don't worry you're safe here with us nothing gets through those walls." Huh that's what gally said to me too ably called it a night and Minho walked me back to my hut I had my own now we walked inside shuting the door behind us "goodnight princess." I blushed as he spoke "goodnight my prince." He smiled and kissed my cheek before reaching for the door "hey Minho?" He turned around "yeah?" Here goes nothing "will you actually stay? My bed is way more comfortable than your hammock." He was taken aback "do you really want me too?" Yes or I wouldn't be asking now would I "only if you want too." He smiled and removed his hand from the door and walked over to me "I'll stay if you tell me you want me too stay." He was towering over me I couldn't think straight it feels different now that we're together "I want you too stay." He smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips we then layed down on my bed and cuddled up next to each other and fell asleep.

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