Its too early

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(Minhos pov)
By the time we got to the doors they were already open people were cheering Thomas and I sat Alby on the ground and sat out of breath Chuck began to speak "you saw a greiver?" Thomas looked up "yeah I saw one." I shook my head "he didn't just see it...he killed it."  Everyone was in shock and then I realized y/n wasn't there I got up to go find her but Gally called for a meeting for everyone in the glade and Newt ran off in the opposite direction of the council hall I went to follow him but Gally stopped me "minho council hall now lets go." "But y/n." He shook his head "Newts going to get her come on." I just went to the council hall everyone was there but not Newt or Y/n finally they come in and get to where all the keepers stood we didn't get a chance to talk before Gally began to speak. "Things are changing there's no denying that." This shank I don't understand why all of this has to be now "the greenie has gone into the maze which is a clear violation of our rules here and for 3 years we have co existed with the greivers and now you've killed one of them." Can he just stop talking "what do you suggest we do then?" Newt questioned "he needs to be punished." Newt then looked to me "Minho you were there with him what do you think." I paused for a second then began to speak.

"I think that in all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a greiver before... and when I turned tail and ran this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby..I don't know if he's brave or stupid but whatever it is we need more of it...I say we make him a runner." Things got crazy people started talking over each other till Gally spoke louder than everyone "IF YOU WANNA THROW THE NEWBIE A PARADE THATS FINE...GO AHEAD...BUT IF THERE IS ONE THING THAT I KNOW ABOUT THE MAZE IT IS THAT YOU DO NOT-" Gally was interrupted by a sound everyone ran out me chuck and Thomas held up at the door "I know that sound" "the box it's coming back up" "it shouldn't be!" We ran to the box Newt jumped down "Newt what do you see?" Fry asked "its a girl" another? "What's in her hand?"Gally asked "She's the last one ever... what the hell does that mean?" Then the girl woke up gasping for air but spoke "Thomas y/n" then passed out again everyone looked around at Thomas and y/n they both seemed confused "still think I'm overreacting?" At this point everyone dispersed and me Newt Thomas and y/n went to talk to Jeff in the med hut "whats the matter with her why won't she wake up?" Newt began "hey man I got my job the same way you do." Thomas and y/n we're looking at her "what do either of you recognize her?" Only Thomas spoke y/n just shook her head "no." "Really because she seemed to recognize you guys." Thomas spoke again "what do you think that note meant?" "We'll worry about that later." "I think we should worry about it now." Before Newt could say anything Jeff did "he's right Newt if the box isn't coming back up how long do you think we can last." "No one said that." Thomas then left "where do you think you're going?" "Back into the maze." Newt looked at me and I ran out following him.

(Y/ns pov)
Ever since this morning Minho has come back I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet I'm standing with Newt in the med hut looking at this girl who recognized me and Thomas but yet when it came to her I had no idea who she was "y/n have you seen her before?" I shook my head "no I haven't Newt." Before he could say anything Minho came back in "hey y/n come with me." I turned around and followed him out of the med hut and away from people "hey so Thomas wants to go back and dissect that greiver wanna come help us?" That seems disgusting and to be honest no I didn't "yeah sure I guess." I have no idea why I just said yes "okay great I'll come back to get you." He went to walk off "really Minho?" He stopped and turned back around "what?" Is he really asking me that right now "that's it that's all you wanna say to me right now I thought you were dead." He looked at me "okay you're right I'm sorry but can we talk about this later? I have to go gather up some others." What the hell "yeah whatever go." He didn't move "go it's important go." Again he didn't move "Minho seriously g-" he cut me off by kissing me "I'm sorry I scared you but I'm fine okay I came back to you we just need to do this now okay before we run out of time I got to go." Then he just ran off.

Eventually he came back for me and we went into the woods and met up with Thomas and went into the maze to the greiver "that's disgusting." Zart stated the obvious "hey I think there's something in there." "You mean besides a griever pancake?" I laughed a bit at fry's statement Minho then went up to it and stuck his hand in between the wall to try and reach it but it's leg retracted and he came back at us we caught him "what the hell was that?" "It was a reflex?" "You hope!" Zart and Winston tossed at each other There was a silence "come on let's pull it out." Everyone grabbed the leg and pulled we all fell once it came out and Minho stood up then helped me up "you okay?" I nodded then he went over and picked what looked like it's heart up then pulled something out of it and goo trialed off everyone said ew "interesting." Minho mumbled under his breath but I heard him "what is it?" "Whatever it is can we bring itself back to the Glade I don't want to meet this guys friends." "He's right it's getting late let's go." And so we ran back to the glade.

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