The Maze Incident

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(Minhos pov)
I woke up that morning ready to go into the maze even if it was with y/n I have no idea how I feel yet but I have a feeling I'll find out today I go over to fry and get my water y/n comes over shortly after me gets her water and we head to the doors I wanted to ask y/n if she had the same dream but I didn't as soon as the door opened we ran inside we made it as far as the inner ring when i stopped she noticed and did the same "it's a bit early for a water break isn't it?" Her voice it sounded different sweeter less unbearable "yeah I just need a second." I think I know what fry meant I would have to do it myself "oh you big baby we haven't been running that long!" Y/n has no idea what is running through my head right now and I wish she never did but I said it anyway "can I ask you something?" She looked at me confused "yes?" Here goes nothing "can I kiss you?" As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted them I wanted to take them back but it was too late "uhm why?" What do I even say I know "I wanna test something." That all true no lies right did I really want to do this? Yes I did I need to know how I feel "uhm okay sure I guess" she actually said yes? Omg okay I walked up to her closer than I ever have as I towered over her I felt like I was in the right place like I was supposed to be close to her but part of me didn't want to do this but I did anyway I kissed her.

(Y/ns pov)
Minho kissed me himself but it's not just a peck we were making out I was on my tippy toes because of the height difference eventually he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his torso he moved he put me up against the maze wall never breaking the kiss I'm not going to lie I enjoyed it but why is he doing it a few minutes pass and he finally pulled away he just looked at me I was still against the wall in his arms I looked at him we stared at each other for a minute then he put me down and began to run again I didn't follow I wanted to but I couldn't my legs glued to the cement floor and I was stuck in place I stayed there for hours finally it was getting late I had to head back I forced myself to run back to the glade on the way back I ran into Minho literally I ran into him we both fell to the ground "I'm so sorry!" I said and offered my hand out to him to help him up but he didn't take it didn't say anything and just ran again I followed and made it back to the glade he ran to the map room I ran after him I'm so confused what is happening what did happen I needed to know.

(Minhos pov)
I ran to the map room once we got back after the kiss I just ran I thought she would've come with me but she didn't but when I kissed her I saw something a memory maybe I was in a hallway with her we were running like it was a race and she beat me when she did I pulled something out of my pocket a gold necklace I placed it around her neck told her I loved her and kissed her then the next day I was sent up here and my memories were gone and yet I still don't know what I feel for y/n it's clear I have some feelings for her but I don't know what they are I needed to know but I needed to be by myself for a while and no one comes into the map room so best place to think at least I thought y/n followed me "Minho what was that?" She asked I didn't respond I couldn't because I didn't know "Minho! Tell me why you kissed me like that then just took off!" Again I didn't say anything "Minho this isn't fair!" She's right it's not but I have nothing to say my mind is blank I have to leave now I walked out I felt bad leaving her there but I had to anywhere is better then there right now.

(Y/ns pov)
Minho took off and said nothing to me this isn't fair to me I deserve an explanation i need to tell someone about this I wanted to tell Newt but something drew me to Gally I don't know what but that's where I ended up "hey gally can I talk to you about some things?" What was i doing! I barely know him "if this is about your own but Alby is already getting us to make you one." Wait what? That doesn't matter right now focus "no it's not about that." He looked at me with a curious look "okay then what is it?" Where do I start? "Okay first I had this dream but now I'm pretty sure it was a memory about you being sent up here and I cried and ran away from a woman." My heart raced as he began to speak what was he going to say "I had a dream similar now that you mentioned it I remember what happened before things went black I was in a room with a woman she told me that she was sorry and called me son that she had to do this and that it was my turn and that she'd send you up soon that I would be with my sister soon but I wouldn't remember it then I wake up." Wait his sister was Gally my brother "wait me and you are siblings?" I mean if we are that's great! "I think so."
This is amazing but I can't tell him about Minho not now "good to know." What was that response "yeah what's next?" Oh no come up with something "oh uhm i forgot." Smooth y/n smooth "okay if you remember come find me I've got you sis" I nod and run off by this point it was dinner time I didn't eat Minho didn't either he never showed up for dinner I went to my hammock to find Minho laying in his looking at the stars I didn't say anything to him I just layed down and tried to go to sleep but it never happened.

Hi! Little note the next part is going to be a time jump to a month later when Thomas arrives I know so much just happened and you're probably very upset that I'm skipping time but it's all going to be worth it in the end i promise I have a plan for this just stick with me till next chapter my loves <3

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