chapter 1

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Pov Luna:

This night I have flight to Barcelona.. of course I will miss my family, my Argentina, but what can I do? I need to continue my modeling career in Europe.. why I choose Barcelona? Because I'm just crazy about football and also my cousin Lionel Messi by himself plays there!! He suggested me to live with him for any time I'll be in Barca. He's crazy!
My phone buzzed, my crazy cousins calling!

Luna: Heyy Lio!!
Leo: Hola Lu! What time are you coming? I need to meet you in airport.
Luna: I have flight this night dumb! 5am don't forget!!
Leo: oh sorry sorry, me and Anto will meet you then. Listen, how you will know me?
Luna: what?
Leo: I mean, we haven't meet such long time.
Luna: ugh I'll know you don't worry I'm watching your games!
Leo: huh okay, but I don't think so.
Luna: Lio!!!
Leo: fine fine, sorry once more.
Luna: Lio, promise you will take me to stadion!! Or I'm staying in Buenos Aires!
Leo: I will, I promise. Wanna meet with my mates?
Leo: you have my jersey? I can give you one.
Luna: idiot, I have all your jerseys!!
Leo: great then. Go to sleep now, you have to fly more than 5 hours!!
Luna: okay.. see you soon then!
Leo: fine, bye bye sis!!

After talk I was really excited, finally I will meet Lio and his mates on Camp Nou!! Dreams really come true.. fine, I really need to sleep, tomorrow I'll be in Barcelona.. I can't wait!!


Flight was not bad. Now I'm in airport, in Barcelona! I can't wait to see Lio but I don't see him yet. Maybe he really don't know me?

I called him.

Luna: Lio where are you?
Leo: I'm in airport, where are you?
Luna: Lio I'm there, I'm wearing gray sportives and have big blue bag, you see me?
Leo: oh wait yes!! I'm next to this woman who checks bags! ( I don't know how it's named😭) you see?

I looked around, he was in black shirt with also black pants, I rushed to him.

We hugged very very tightly.

Leo: I remember you so little! You grew so much Lu!
Luna: I missed you so much! You and Anto of course! Where is she?
Leo: Thiago catched flu so she stayed at home.
Luna: oh how I missed you all..
Leo: how is Laura? Marco?
Luna: they're fine but worried about me.
Leo: parents being parents.
Luna: you know I miss them too but I prefer to help them from distance..
Leo: don't worry about that, everything will be fine, you're safe with me:)
Luna: fine fine, let's go home, I'm hungry!
Leo: okiee

We drove home. I meet Anto she's so so kind, beautiful and loving, Thiago is also very kind and cute boy! We had fun together, I also called my mom.

Luna: mama I'm okay! Don't worry I'm not little girl!
Laura: Cariño, eres mi chica, cómo no voy a preocuparme por ti?
(Baby, you're my littile girl, how can I not worry about you?)
Luna: ughh
Marco: escucha Lionel!
( Listen to Lionel!)
Luna: PAPA!! (dad!!)
Leo: Tío, tía, ella está a salvo conmigo, no os preocupéis, ¡estará bien!
( Uncle, aunt, she is safe with me, don't worry, she will be fine!)
Laura: Nosotras confiamos en ti Lionel!

( We trust you Lionel!)
Marco: Fue sólo por ti que la dejamos ir a Barcelona!
(It was only because of you that we let her go to Barcelona!)
Leo: Te entiendo. tío, tenemos que cenar, entonces te llamamos, vale?
(I feel you. uncle, sorry we have to have dinner, we'll call you then, okay?)
Marco: bueno, adios! ( okay bye)
Luna: adios!

Luna: huh, why they're such a nervy!
Leo: shut up, when you'll have kids you will understand!
Anto: I agree, having kids is most valueble time in your life Lu!
Luna: I don't think so, I prefer to build my career first, I don't have time for love.
Leo: aww I'll remind you this words in your wedding!
Luna: mh, dream more!!

I think, thats not bad for first chapter, maybe tomorrow I will write second chapter

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