chapter 10

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I didn't slept, I was enjoying her beauty, her tumind, red and full of pain eyes, which still looked amaizing.. her lips, her sweet, red lips were charming me, Her gorgeous face was perfect without any make up.. I'm not saying anything about body.. she's stunning... When I was hugging and pulling her beautiful hair Lio opened door.

Neymar: shh she's sleeping.

I whispered to him. He whispered to me too.

Leo: oh okay.. is she better now?
Neymar: I think yes.. she seemed more stressed before.
Leo: okay, we'll call her parents now.

I breathed heavily.

Neymar: okay...
Leo: Ney, I promise everything will be fine..
Neymar: promise..?
Leo: I promise buddy. I promise..

He came out. I continued to enjoy every single seconds spended with her..

Pov Leo

Antonela: how are they?
Leo: Luna sleeps with Neymar in cuddle.. I couldn't imagine him being in love as much.
Antonela: me too. I even warned Luna about it..
Leo: I was scared too. But you needed to see, how he looked at her today on training.
Antonela: or how worried he was when we told him about Laura.. his voice... You heared it?
Leo: of course I did.. we need to help them in this situation.. are you ready?
Antonela: call her!!

I was on speaker so me and Anto could talk together.

Leo: hola Auntie!
Anto: hola!
Laura: hola.. Lio, Anto how are you?
Leo: as usual. Lau, we need to talk seriously..
Laura: tell me.. my daughter already made me feel like I'm the worst mother ever, nothing worse can happen now..
Anto: that's why we're calling you... auntie, Luna isn't a little child..
Laura: what she said to you?!
Leo: Nothing, she said nothing, but cryed for hours in her room!
Laura: what?? For what? I said the truth! I don't like that boy! Numar or what is his name?!
Anto: you shouldn't say that.. you haven't seen just how they look at each other..!
Laura: they are dating??
Leo: yes they are!! And even now Neymar is with her, to calm her down and just to be with her!
Laura: that girl is just..
Anto: Auntie listen, she's already 20, she already build her modeling career, she makes you proud, but you still can't support her or even be grateful or glad??
Laura: she can't have boyfriend, especially when I don't like him!!
Leo: Lau, you can dislike him but Luna loves!! Why you just can't respect her opinion? Now, because of you, we barely calmed her down..
Laura: oh stop, she'll cry and shut up then. She'll not die! Then when she and Neymar will broke up I'll not support her, even if she got depressed!!! I don't care!!
Anto: which type of mother you are??  Your daugher almost had a panic attack when I was calming her!! You hear me?! I was with her when she needed me, Lio was and Neymar was!! We'll always support her, whatever will happens!!
Laura: she's my daugher!!
Leo: she's daughter not your properity!!
Laura: tell her to never say my name again or even call me mom. She's dead for me.
Anto: but..

She hung up.

Leo: she's not normal..
Anto: Lio, I will not let them took Luna from us.
Leo: yes but what we should say her now?
Anto: I don't know Lio.. I don't know..

Pov Luna

I woke up in his arms.. in his strong arms I felt safe... He had still worried face.

Neymar: how you slept?
Luna: good.. you?
Neymar: I wasn't sleeping yet. I was bewitched by your beauty.
Luna: stop, I'm pale as sick person my eyes are bruised.. I guess there are also tumind and red. I'm pretty ugly.
Neymar: never say it again!! You got me?

He raised voice for a little bit. My face changed, I know he don't yelled at me and so on, I'm just afraid of loud voices.
He understood what was going on so he hugged me..

Neymar: sorry I'm just.. you are so beautiful Luna and don't say it again please..
Luna: you're serious?
Neymar: yes, I've never seen a girl more beautiful than you.
Luna: I love you..
Neymar: let's go to bathroom, I'll help you to take of bandages:)
Luna: okay.

We came downstairs, I saw Lio's and Anto's worried face.. but I didn't mentioned it with Lu. We entered bathroom.

Neymar: fine, let me help you!
Luna: I will do it myself.

She tryed to stick out bandages but it seemed it ached her.

Neymar: let me do this!
Luna: Ney it's so sticky!! And it's hurts!!
Neymar: baby, I'm not going to hurt you, just trust me.
Luna: fine..

With one hand I grabbed her waist and pulled closer, with second I was carefully sticking out bandages. With her face I saw that it wasn't enjoyable, but wasn't painful yet. Finally I took it off.

Luna: thank you.. you're the best!

She stood up on toes and kissed my nose. I smiled.. she smiled back. How I love her..

Luna: pookie!😂
Neymar: smile more often! You got me?
Luna: ugh okay, just don't fuck my brain!
Neymar: my pookie's back?
Neymar: nope, you're mine.
Luna: yes but not pookie!
Neymar: princesa?
Luna: that's better.

Leo: Luna Ney, are you okay there?

Lio knocked.

Luna: yup, he just helps me to take bandages off!
Neymar: we're already done!
Leo: okay okay, came out now!

He walk away we immediately came out and entred kitchen. There were Antonela and Lio.

Anto: oh, I see you smiling:)
Luna: that's him!

She looked at me..

Neymar: stop I'm blushing!!🤭
Luna: Anto did she called?
Anto: me and Lio called and said everything..
Luna: Anto.. why?
Leo: calm down, she said she will not distrub you for bullshit like this. I told you everything would be okay!
Luna: I love you so so much!!!

She hugged them. I knew something wasn't right, but acted like I didn't knew it yet.

Luna: maybe we'll continue sleepover?
Leo: why not, let's have fun!!


We entertained lot. When we decided to sleep Luna asked me to sleep with her, of course I agreed. Tomorrow I will ask Lio about Laura.. I don't know what I would do without him...

|• not as long part but still, I loved that!•|

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