chapter 17

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We spend whole day together. I missed him so much.. he also met Nicolas and Liza. I love them all. They're really my closest people. It was already late night, Neymar told everyone to go home and he will stay with me. So they goodbyed and went to home. Also, all of them promised to visit me tomorrow. Me and Neymar were alone.

Neymar: does something hurt?
Luna: head, but not much. Don't worry.
Neymar: babe how can I don't worry..?
Luna: you're dramatic.
Neymar: I just love you🙂
Luna: ughh! What time is it?
Neymar: 12pm.
Luna: why you didn't go home?
Neymar: are you serious?? I think you really have problems with head!!
Luna: why you talk to me like that😭
Neymar: then why you're asking? Babe, how can I leave you alone there?
Luna: where you gonna sleep?
Neymar: that's not your bussiness, I'll find some place.
Luna: no, I'll feel guilty!
Neymar: why?
Luna: because you're suffering couse of me!!
Neymar: I'm not suffering when you're with me.
Luna: but Ney..

Doctor opened the door.

Doctor: how are you?
Neymar: she's good, just small headache.
Doctor: that's normal. Anything else?
Luna: no I'm okay.
Doctor: fine, that's good. You need to rest and sleep now.
Luna: okay..
Neymar: can I stay with her?
Doctor: if our patient wants.
Luna: yeah! I don't wanna be alone.
Doctor: fine then. Good night.

He finally went. I can't stand doctors and hospitals..

Neymar: you heared what he said?
Luna: what?
Neymar: sleep now!
Luna: ew Ney!! I don't want to sleep right now!
Neymar: I don't care, close your eyes princess!
Luna: no!
Neymar: yes!
Luna: Neey
Neymar: no, go to sleep.
Luna: pookie
Neymar: I'll leave now!
Luna: ugh!!

I turned back to him. Some minutes after I was going to sleep when I felt his warm hand on me.. he kissed my cheek.

Neymar: sorry babe, you know I'm worried.
Luna: Fine fine... but you're still jerk!
Neymar: just be okay and I'll be jerk.
Luna: hmm, my jerk?
Neymar: your jerk:)

He kissed my forehead.

Neymar: sweet dreams princess..
Luna: sweet dreams Ney..


When I woke up I looked around, he was sleeping on the chair, I really felt guilty. I don't want him to suffer.. I stared at him for some minutes, he's so handsome.. even when he didn't slept good, worried and cried, he looked perfect! At this moment my phone buzzed.

Liza: are you okay? Lu, I'm so worried.. me and Nicolas couldn't saw you yesterday, it was already late when Neymar told us to go home and he would stay with you. can we visit you today? If you're feeling good of course.
Luna: Babe you're asking? My chamber's door is always open for you!😂
Liza: that's not funny, we are really worried!!
Luna: who we?
Liza: me and Nicolas!
Luna: aww I'd love you dating!
Liza: Don't switch theme!
Luna: okay okay😂 ask me what you want!
Liza: did you reconciled?
Luna: with Ney? Yeah, he wasn't culprit yet.
Liza: I'm happy for you! You feel good right? that's great! What about Ney? He looked so worried yesterday.
Luna: well, he was sleeping on chair whole night.
Liza: I told you that he loves you?
Luna: I guess so.
Liza: you're so cute together!
Luna: haha I know. Can you come now?
Liza: I'll tell Nick and we'll come together.
Luna: okiee I'm waiting!

Neymar: whom are you texting?:)

He looked at me smiling.

Luna: Liza. She and Nicolas will visit us soon.
Neymar: Nicolas? That guy?
Luna: yup, he's good.
Neymar: mh😒
Luna: heey I don't want you to be jealous!
Neymar: I'm not.
Luna: are you sure?
Neymar: mh.
Luna: he already has crush on another girl😂 so don't worry!
Neymar: really?
Luna: I guess so. He always tries to comfort Liza and be with her. But anyways, you know I'm only yours!!
Neymar: okay okay sorry. To be honest he's not really bad.
Luna: damn it, Ney I'm hungry..
Neymar: oh, I'm gonna buy you something. I'll go and come soon!
Luna: okie!

He kissed me and quickly dashed out from chamber. I was alone, when someond knocked at the door. My lovebirds!!


she was hugging me and kissing me. Nicolas looked at us and smiled. Finally she stopped.

Liza: I brought you candies!!
Luna: fine, fine, calm down I'm not dying!!!
Nicolas: she cried whole night!
Liza: shut up!!
Luna: wait, you were together?
Nicolas: um.. no, she just called me.
Luna: are you sure?😂
Liza: yes he's sure!!!
Luna: I don't think so🤣
Liza: ugh! Where is Neymar? He left you there?
Luna: no I sent him to bring me food.
Nicolas: you're so cute together:)
Luna: you'll be so cute with one girl too.

He wanted to stab me, but stopped. I was just burst of laugh.

Nicolas: I wish you wasn't lying there🙂
Luna: I'm not gonna work with you anymore!
Liza: SHUT UP!!

Neymar: what's wrong with you?😂
Neymar: oh my, who?
Luna: THEM!!
Liza: that's Nick!!
Nicolas: WHA-

Neymar came to him and... And hugged.(what you waited for😂?)

Luna: excuse me?!
Neymar: you was hungry right?
Luna: oh yeah, what you bought for me?
Neymar: I have some berries, frustea and things like that.
Luna: thank youu!!

I pulled him close and kissed his cheek.

Luna: you're the best!
Neymar: I know😎
Liza: aww lovebirds!!
Luna: shut up!

Nicola caressed Liza's shoulder. Me and Neymar looked at them and laughed. They can hide it from whole world but not from me!

Neymar: only we are lovebirds?😂
Nicolas: yes.
Luna: fine fine, let's talk about something else.
Nicolas: football?
Neymar: I love you!!
Luna: I think you forgot whom you love.
Neymar: never amor! (Love)
Liza: fine just shut up!! Let's talk about BARCELONA!!!
Neymar: I didn't know that girls love football as much.
Nicolas: they're just build different😂
Luna: haha so funny😃
Liza: when I watch you two I imagine Harry maguire and Lukaku playing for same team.
Luna: that's weird🤣
Neymar: fine fine sorry. Really let's talk about Barca!

We entertained a lot. About hour later Lio and Anto came, with them were some teamates.

Leo: what's up?
Nicolas: Me-messi?
Leo: nah, I'm Pessi bro.
Suarez: Lio!!

He stabbed him.

Suarez: yes, that's Lio. Lionel messi.
Nicolas: Suarez???
Neymar: take a sit man. I think you'll fall now😂
Nicolas: sorry I'm just..
Luna: a bit nervous!
Nicolas: okay Neymar but you all?
Pique: c'mon hermano! (Brother)

They met each other and of course Nick asked them for photo.
In all Alves apologized to me again, others were with me and we continued talking about football again. Suddanely doctor opened the door.

Doctor: uh.. I told you to rest, what are you doing?
Luna: but I'm okay now!
Doctor: are you sure?
Luna: yes..

He came to me and started checking up everything.

Neymar: Can we stay?
Doctor: wait.. she has high dopamine and heart pressure. I told you to be calm and rest.
Luna: sorry..
Doctor: you must leave.

He looked to them.

Leo: okay..
Neymar: even not one person?
Doctor: even not one person.
Leo: fine Ney, do it just for her..
Neymar: fine..

He came closer.

Luna: you're leaving me again..?
Neymar: only for some hours princess.. not for more, I promise..

He kissed me softly, him and all of them goodbyed and came out from chamber. I even haven't phone to call or text Neymar!! Doctor was still with me, he made me infusion and I felt I was going to sleep..

|• sorry for not posting for a week!! I promise I will improve and publish chapters morw often, sorry for one more time!!•|

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