chapter 2

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That night I slept perfectly. It was 9am when Lio woke me up.

Luna: mm what you want?
I had sleepy voice.

Leo: wake up it's already 09:14!!
Luna: mmh why? Don't fuck my brain from morning.. let me sleep!
Leo: I can't understand, you don't want to make your dreem come true?
Luna: ughh my dream is to sleep now, nothing more!
Leo: fine then. I will go to stadion alone.
Luna: WHAT

I litterally flew up from bed.

Leo: get ready now, quickly!

As I said, I litterally flew up from bed and searched clothes quickly. Of course I need some pants which will look perfect with Barca's jersey. Black pants are just made for that! I quickly did my hair and make up and dashed downstairs.
Leo: wow you're so fast.
Luna: bro you're taking me to Camp Nou, how could I change slowly? C'mon Lio, crank that fucking car!
Leo: whoa wait! I'm gonna find keys... Oh I've got them, let's go!


I forced Lio to drive as quickly as he could so in 5 minutes we already stand in front of Camp Nou. I was staring at it jaw dropped. Lio took my hand and take me with him to door.
Leo: hi guys.

He greated guards.

Guard N1: oh hi Leo
Guard N2: hi. Oh who's she?
Guard N1: stand there, strangers are not allowed to enter training.
Luna: but I'm...
Guard N2: you don't want any problems right?
Leo: heey shut up all!!! She's my cousin!
Guard N1: oh sorry. Why you don't say that?
Leo: who let me to open mouth?

" Hola guys"

I heared someone's voice from behind.

" What's wrong there? "

Leo: oh enter Ney, I'll tell you.
Neymar: okay.

He stared at me, so did I, he has beautiful eyes.. Neymar, how much I've heared about you...

Leo: hey! are you there? Luna!!
Luna: um, yes, I've just thought about something.
Leo: okay. not everyone came yet, I will introduce you to Ney! You know him right?
Luna: of course I do! but I don't think he knows me🥲
Neymar: so what's up Lio?

He came from back.

Leo: oh you're already there? Come to locker room, I'll introduce you to each other!

Lio led us, me and Neymar were in back together, we secretly watched at each other.. finally we entered locker room. I saw Neymar couldn't take eyes from me.. so was I.
Leo: so Ney this is Luna my cousin, Luna  you already know him.
N: mh Luna? Pretty name, nice to meet you. Lio told me many things about you!
Luna: nice to meet you too in real life Neymar.
Someone opened door.
He looked at us and stopped.

" Who's she?!"

I blushed he was only in shorts, without shirt and I guess who it was.. Suarez!
Lio was just burst of laugh, but Neymar pulled me close and I whispired to him.

Luna: he seems angry as hell!
Neymar: don't worry, I'm with you:)

His words make my heart beat fast. When suarez shouted again.
Neymar: calm down dickhead! She's Lio's cousin! You act like first saw woman there!
Luna: wait you have another women there?
Suarez: yes, how without women?

Lio's face shanged.

Leo: they're joking!
Neymar: fuck Suarez! Luna he's kidding, we don't have any girls there. only you.
Suarez: haha sorry guys. Oh we don't know each other yet. I'm Luis, you?
Luna: Luna, nice to meet you in real life! You're as crazy as I thought😂
Suarez: wait, you're watching football?
Lio: she's just crazy about it.
Neymar: no way!
Suarez: which team you support? Barca right?
Luna: Hala madrid
Neymar: WHAT?
Lio: Luna they will have heart attack now!
Luna: fine fine, I'm just kidding. VISCA BARCA TILL I'M DEAD!!
Suarez: I'm not feeling good.. I thought you were madridista!
Leo: aw fine, Lu wanna go to field?
Luna: that's why I'm there.
Neymar: yes but leave us for some minutes, we need to change.
Luna: oh yes! Lio don't forget to wear your favorite hat with pig print, which you took from Thiago last night!
Lio: LUNA!!
I run out from locker, I knew he would kill me! After some minutes someone came out, it was Neymar.

Neymar: wanna go without them? I can show you whole stadion.
Luna: why without them?
Neymar: your cousing and that dickhead can't move their asses fastly.
Luna: okayy but don't call Luis dickhead anymore!
Neymar: why?
Luna: he's not dickhead, he always scores and gives you amaizing assists!
Neymar: you really watch our games?
Luna: of course I do!!!
Neymar: okay, I won't call him dickhead anymore. Because of you:) C'mon now, I'll show you everything before training starts!!
Luna: okie!


It was incredible, we talked much, I've told him everything about me. Neymar also took some pics of me which I will soon upload to instagram. We already were going down from tribune when we saw other players entering field.
Neymar: I guess training will start soon! But I haven't showed you everything!
Luna: that's okay, I still loved that.
Neymar: I'm glad. Will you come tomorrow too?
Luna: I don't know, I have photoshoots tomorrow, I think some companies are interested with me.
Neymar: wow that's great, what time is it?
Luna: at 14:00, I don't think I can make it.
Neymar: I can take you home then. We end training at 15:00 so we also can walk somewhere, of course if you want.
Luna: I'd love that! I will end it about 6pm, you can come at that time.
Neymar: perfect! can you give me your number? I will text you then.
Luna: oh okay sure!


Neymar: okay, I'll call you this night!
Luna: okay!

We entered to field again, he was holding my hand, I didn't realized that I was holding his hand too.

Suarez: you're already dating?
Neymar: you're...Oh nothing, damn it..
Suarez: are you okay? You don't called me dickhead for the first time.
Neymar: I'm not allowed to say this word anymore..
Suarez: what?
Neymar: thank luna🙄
Leo: huh, Lu you did something unreal!
Suarez: Lu?🤣🤣🤣 Aww what a cute nickname!
Luna: dickhead was more cuter🙂 it also suits you.
Leo: LUNA!!
Neymar: you slayed babe!

I looked at Neymar confused, but don't said anything, like nothing happened.

Leo: we'll talk about it home young lady!
Suarez: hey, don't act like you're angel! I don't feel uncomfortable, so why you?
Neymar: you remember what a nickname he was calling me? Lu's just joking!

Wow I don't expected that. They both were by my side.

Leo: oh fine, just shut up!!
Neymar: if I will know that you say something to her, I'm gonna kick your ass Lio!
Suarez: don't you dear, she's our bestie!
Leo: god, how I deserved those 3 dumbs in my life?


After we drove home I immediately uploaded photo, and tittled "dreams come true" in few minutes it already had 1,3759 likes, I put my phone and decided to sleep. I woke up couse of call. It was Neymar. I looked as rotten potato, so I declined, but he recalled for second time.. I turn camera off and talked with him like that.

Neymar: hey show me yourself!! That's why I facetimed! I want to see you Luna!
Luna: no way! I woke up few seconds ago, I look like drug addict!
Neymar: I don't care!!

From anger, I really turned on camera. I looked terrible!

Neymar: you're my beautiful drug addict:)
Luna: Ney, why you call me like that?
Neymar: like what?
Luna: you always compliment and act somehow differently..
Neymar: oh sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with me.. my family raise me to be sweet to all women.. and talk like that.. sorry once more!
Luna: oh no that's alright, I just never been treated like that, so thats why I'm asking.
Neymar: that's okay.. you seem asleep, I can call you then if you want.
Luna: yes please..
Neymar: fine, sweet dreams princesa!
Luna: La misma para ti Ney! ( Same to you Ney!)

I fell asleep very soon. He's such a sweet, but he talks like this to everyone not to only me.. that makes my heart beat different...

|• I translate to spanish with google so  if somethings uncorrect please tell me!! •|

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