Chapter 6: Girl ̶B̶̶a̶̶l̶̶l̶̶s̶ Boss

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In only a month, exams will arrive and Christmas break will follow. Not everyone is thrilled about the exam part, but the Christmas break bit was a motivating event for everyone. 

"Inui Seishu," The teacher called for the 2nd time. "Absent again?" 

Y/n subconsciously turned around to check the, still, empty seat. "Huh, two absences in a row..." She muttered to herself. 

"Does anybody know of his whereabouts?" The teacher asked the class. 

"Probably out with his gang," Yuzuha voiced her thoughts but only Y/n could hear. 

Y/n didn't speak, she only observed Yuzuha's expression. She noticed how Yuzuha became more and more quiet as days passed by, and it worried her. 

"L/n, since you're the closest to Inui," The teacher handed her 2 notebooks, one belonged to her and one belonged to Inupi. "Make sure you give this to him,"

"Oh, ok," She replied with no protests, even though Y/n had no idea where the male lived or where he could be.

Although they might look close during school hours, they barely know each other outside of the school setting. 

"Hey, Yuzuha, can I stop by your house later?" Y/n asks. "I figured I'd just hand this to you oldest brother and then he'll give this to Inui,"

"My oldest brother isn't home this week," Yuzuha shrugged. "And Hakkai and I are going to play bowling later, wanna come?"

"I can't, I only have a little free time later," Y/n furrowed her brows. "I'm following a tight schedule from now on until the holidays are over,"

Yuzuha smiled. "Oh yeah, you've got a lot of things to prepare for that celebration you said," She paused. "Do you still have time to review for the exams?"

Y/n chuckled proudly. "I don't need to. I rely on my stock knowledge,"

"You're laughing now until that stock knowledge of yours is out of stock," Yuzuha teased before they both laughed.

"Miss L/n, Miss Shiba-!" The teacher scolded. "Do I need to separate your seats?" They threatened which made the two females shut their mouths.




It was after school and Y/n decided to stop by a convenience store on her way home. 

She had to argue a bit with her father's secretary to not pick her up since she knew her father needed his secretary more on a busy day. 

And so here she is, leisurely walking the street and humming a tone before replying a greeting to the convenience store employee as she entered. 

It was pretty hard to ignore a 195-cm tall male with a build like a wrestler inside a small convenience store. 

Surprisingly, it was Taiju who acknowledged her first. "Ah, it's you," His voice was naturally loud, she can't believe he's only 16. 

"Hello," She greeted brightly. "Buying lunch?" Y/n can't help but start small talk. 

"No, just a drink," He answered before taking a beverage out of the store fridge and drinking it without paying first. 

"Oh-" She muttered taken aback by his actions. 

Taiju glanced at her. "I'll pay for it," He assured bitterly, assuming what was in Y/n's mind. 

"I know, I was just shocked you downed that bottle in one go..." She cleared. "You didn't even choke or anything," She muttered to herself. 

They were both quiet for a minute before Y/n spoke again. "Well, uh, I'll go buy my snacks," She awkwardly smiled. "Nice seeing you," 

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