Chapter 8: Hostility

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Christmas was just in two days, Y/n busied herself by decorating their home with festive decorations and creating a list of things to do on Christmas Eve. 

She hummed a Christmas hymn as she placed the last decoration on their front door. Y/n peered at her neighbors and the only house that doesn't have decorations is the Shiba residence. 

 It was somehow odd, Y/n knew that Taiju was a Christian, so the Shiba family would surely celebrate Christmas, but then again, she could be wrong. 

Her phone buzzed. "Hello? Dad?" She answered. 

"Hey honey, how's the decorations?" Her father asked through the phone. 

"It's going well, I just finished actually," She smiled as she took a full look at her work. "Can't wait for you to see it," 

"Yeah, uh, about that," Her father's voice lost its cheery tone. "I might be coming home late,"

"How late...?" Y/n was evidently disappointed but didn't want her father to feel bad. 

"I won't be able to spend Christmas Eve with you, but I will be home on Christmas day," He assured. 

"I see," She took a deep breath. "That's okay, as long as you get home by Christmas," 

"Thank you, sweetheart, I promise I'll bring home your favorite pastries," His tone turned into relief. 

"Sir, there are some papers that need attending to," his secretary said in the background.

"Yes, yes, I'll be there," Her father replied, their voice quite muffled. "Sorry honey, I gotta go, be safe alright?" 

"Yes, Dad, you too," She replied. 

Y/n can hear him smile. "Alright, I love you a bunch," He said.

"I love you too, Dad," She said before they both hung up. "Well," She breathed. "A solo Christmas Eve huh..." Y/n then had an idea. "Time to run some last-minute shopping spree, Christmas sale here I come~!" 




In a flash, it was almost Christmas. The clock was exactly 11 pm, and the street of the city was almost empty, most probably already celebrating Christmas with their families. 

It was weird to be out so late, usually she was already at home or maybe asleep by now. The foggy night, along with the snowfall and mostly empty streets with pretty lights was almost like being in a movie setting.

After a while of walking, she crossed paths with two males in black uniforms, which looked somewhat familiar but brushed it off. 

A few steps after that, she saw a cathedral not too far away. She was reminded of the stories her father used to tell her about her mother. 

He said that her mother was a Christian and that despite being so sickly, she prayed for a child and Y/n was born. 

Y/n looked down at the pendant on her necklace; a cross, her mother originally owned it, and then it was given to her when she passed.

Y/n herself isn't as religious as her mother, but she still wears the necklace because her father told her that her mother always wore it. 

Without much thought, her feet had brought her to the cathedral's front, right at the bottom of its stairs. It seemed empty, but the lights were on. 

She took her time on each step, careful not to slip. Once she had arrived at the door, her previous assumption seemed wrong, the cathedral was not empty. 

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