Chapter 3: Can I have your number?

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It has already been a few months since the L/ns moved into the neighborhood, and Y/n quickly grew close with Yuzuha.

They would often hang out after class or during weekends, and sometimes Yuzuha's little brother would tag along. 

Currently, Y/n and Yuzuha are on their way home. They chose to walk so they'd have plenty of time to talk.

"Why is the student council so insistent on making me join a club?" Y/n asked with a sigh. 

Yuzuha looked at her. "It's a mandatory thing, don't your previous schools do that?" 

"Well, given my record of switching schools multiple times. I was exempted from joining any club," She shrugged.

"Oh-! Why not join my club?" Yuzuha beamed. "Do you know how to hold a Yumi?" 

"A what now?" Y/n stopped in her tracks to stare at Yuzuha. 

"A Yumi, it's a traditional Japanese bow," Yuzuha explained. "Haven't I told you? I'm in a Kyudo club,"

"Ooh, you have to show me sometime!" Y/n exclaimed, Yuzuha is no doubt a beautiful girl, and seeing her wielding a bow would be truly a treat. "I don't know about joining though, I haven't touched a bow in my life,"

"How about the art club?" Yuzuha suggested. "I always see you draw in your sketchbook during the free period, I'm really curious what you draw in there,"

"About that..." Y/n stalled. "I-" Her sketchbook is exclusively mostly filled with the emerald-eyed blond she saw a month back. "I don't think it'll be interesting to look at," She sheepishly smiled.

"Nonsense, if I can watch you draw for hours, I know I'll be interested in your drawings," Yuzuha smiled at her. 

It felt like a ray of heaven's light brushed her skin. Now Y/n truly understood why the school has a Shiba Fan Club dedicated to Yuzuha. 

"Maybe I'll show you sometime," She chuckled. "Well, see you tomorrow at school," 

Yuzuha also bid farewell, and they entered their respective homes. 




As usual, the house was quiet, it was just her and the empty house in silence. It made her uneasy.

It's not like she wasn't used to it, but something has been bothering her for a while and the silence was making her think of it more and more. 

Yuzuha's arms seemed to have gained more bruises each week they met. Y/n didn't want to pry or be insensitive to bring it up. 

It's true that they grew close but they're still relatively strangers to each other. And she didn't want to ask about it out of the blue.

Y/n shook her head. Maybe overthinking it wasn't the best, after all, Yuzuha's in a sports club, and she could possibly get them during training. 

But how can someone get a large bruise on their arm while using a bow? It was impossible to get a bruise that big from a bow, it looked like an intentional hit. 

Could it be that someone's bullying her? No, that can't be it. Yuzuha's a popular girl, and she's known to be pretty and kind, there was no way someone would bully her.

Also, she'd seen her during PE, and Yuzuha could no doubt fight and protect herself well. 

There's also the noise...

It was very faint, but she can still hear it through the silence. It often sounds like furniture being thrown, doors being slammed, and harsh thuds. 

And if she listened very closely, there were often shouts and muffled cries. 

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