Chapter 17

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We lingered in the aftermath, an air of awkwardness settling around us. I found myself perched on the hood of the FD, clad in Keisuke's yellow hoodie, my thoughts swirling with a torrent of unspoken words and lingering emotions.

The quietude between us spoke volumes, punctuated only by the faint sounds of the night. The exchanged clothing symbolized a connection, an unspoken agreement that went beyond the fabric itself. I traced my fingers along the unfamiliar texture of the hoodie, grappling with the uncertainties that loomed in the air.

Keisuke, too, seemed caught in the stillness of the moment. His eyes held a mix of contemplation and a hint of something unspoken. The FD beneath me felt cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of the shared connection we had just experienced.

As minutes passed like hesitant footsteps, I wrestled with the words trapped in the recesses of my mind. The air seemed to hold its breath, and the weight of the unspoken loomed large. There was a silent agreement between us, an understanding that transcended the need for immediate conversation.

In the quiet of the night, the FD became a silent witness to the uncharted territory we had ventured into. The yellow hoodie, a tangible reminder of shared vulnerability, created a bridge between us. I looked at Keisuke, unsure of how to articulate the tangle of emotions that resonated within me.

Keisuke, sensing the need to break the quiet tension, cleared his throat and attempted to steer the conversation toward safer shores.

"So," he began, his voice carrying a touch of uncertainty, "how have you been handling everything since you moved back to Tochigi?" His eyes held a genuine curiosity, a silent plea for an easy topic to navigate.

I shifted on the cold metal of the car, grateful for the distraction. "It's been an adjustment, you know? Settling back into the routine, going to a new school," I replied, my fingers absently toying with the fabric of the borrowed hoodie. "And the racing scene here is different compared to Gunma. More established teams, different dynamics."

Keisuke nodded, absorbing my words. "I can imagine. But you're holding up okay?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "Yeah, I am. It helps having you around." I paused, realizing the weight of my words, wondering if he would catch the nuance.

I hesitated, the weight of the unspoken lingering in the air. Finally, I took a deep breath, gathering the courage to address the elephant in the room. "Keisuke, are we going to talk about... you know, what just happened?"

He met my gaze, his eyes revealing a mixture of emotions. There was a brief pause before he spoke, choosing his words carefully. "We can if you want to. I don't want to push you into anything, y/n. I value our friendship, and I won't let anything jeopardize that."

I nodded, appreciating his sensitivity. "I value our friendship too, Keisuke. It's just... tonight was unexpected, and I need some time to process everything."

He reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Take all the time you need. I'm here for you, no matter what."

I stood up, the cool night air offering a momentary reprieve from the intensity of our conversation. "I should head home. I don't want to worry Kai," I said, my voice carrying a mix of gratitude and uncertainty.

Keisuke nodded in understanding. "Yeah, and I don't want Ryosuke wondering where I disappeared to. We both have responsibilities."

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