Chapter 2: Classic Guys

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"Luke...?" I ask.

"Aspen! How's the hangover treating you?" he laughs. I can hear the other boys in the back playing Xbox.

"Guys! Be quiet! Michael and his lady friend are still sleeping," I hear Luke tell them.

I giggle, "You don't happen to remember anything that happened last night, do you? Because I have no idea."

"Uh, just that you were so drunk, I had to write my number on your hand, just in cause you got lost," he laughed, "oh, and that Michael took home one of your friends."

"One of my friends? Wait, who?" I ask.

It couldn't be Lauren, because she was here, and it couldn't be Mack because she doesn't do that kind of stuff. At least I don't think she does...

"Cal," Luke says, "what's the name of the girl who came home with Michael last night?"

"Mackenzie, or something like that," I hear him say over the Xbox.

Oh, my Lord. Lord, my oh.

"Oh. My. Beyoncé," I whisper, "no fucking way!"

"What?" Luke laughs.

"There's no way it's Mack!" I say, "she doesn't... s-she, oh my god."

"I have to see this, oh my god," I say, "what are you doing? I'm coming over."


I quickly split my hair down the middle and French braid both sides, now it's in two braids.

I pull up to what I think is the boys' apartment and turn down the song I'm listening to: Get Me Golden by Terraplane Sun.

I walk up to the door and knock softly. Although, they probably can't hear me because they're shouting so loud at the video game. Classic guys.

I dial Luke's number, "Hey, I knocked, but I don't think you guys heard." I laugh. He laughs, but he sounds nervous.

The lock on the door clicks and the door swings open. Luke stands in front of me, tall as ever.

He's got a beanie on and his hair looks like he quickly combed it up. His rosy cheeks were the color of the flannel he had on over his worn out tee.

"Hey," I say, "can I come in? Or are you scared I have cooties?"

"Cooties are just kid Herpes," I hear Michael say.

Luke gets even redder, if that's possible.

"Come in," Luke laughs. He shoots a glare at Michael, but Michael just acts like he didn't know he was embarrassing Luke.

When I walk in the first thing I notice is the two shirtless boys on the coach, and the clutter.

"Oh, my God," I say, not talking to anyone in particular, "how did Mack not have a panic attack in here. She freaks out when I just leave my clothes on the floor."

Soon as I say this, Mack's head pops out from behind a wall.

"Speak of the Devil," Michael says, getting a glare from Mack as well.

She walks out from behind the wall. She's got on what I guess is one of Michael's shirts on and no shorts. Her hair is brushed straight down, now it's right level to her jaw.

"I didn't believe it, but... wow, Mack, I'm proud," I fake cry, "they grow up so fast."

She reaches for a pillow and throws it at me. "Shut up!"

I didn't notice Calum's eyes on me, until now. His brown eyes roamed all over my body, making me instantly self conscious of my too big Joy Division shirt and my worn out high tops.

"I beat you," Ashton murmurs to Calum, "got a little distracted, did you?"

Calum makes a tsk noise under his breath and gets up from the couch.

I didn't notice when I first got here, but he's extremely fit. His arms are large, corded with muscle. And his chest is just as muscular. He has tattoos scattered about his body. And he seems completely confident in it all.

He walks past us, giving me a small unreadable glance.

"What's wrong with him?" Mack asks.

"Oh, that's just... Calum being Calum I guess," Ashton says, slipping a shirt from off the ground on.

"Hey, Mack, I think it's time to go," I say, feeling unwelcome.

"Let me run and get my clothes," she says, starting to turn and run away. Michael grabs her by the waste and pulls her to him.

She laughs as Michael buries his head in her neck. He's a great deal taller than her, so her feet aren't even touching the ground.

"I think I just through up in my mouth I little bit," I mumble.

She rolls her eyes at me and wiggles out of his arms. She jogs back to Michael's room, her whole body radiates.

"Hey," Luke says,"you guys should come to our show tonight."

"Oh, yeah!" Ashton hollers.

"It's at some club," Mike says, "I'll text Mack the address, later."

"You'll text me the address to what, later?" She says, walking back in. She has the same clothes she had on last night, except this time her dress is zipped only half the way, exposing a small piece of a lace bra, and her shoes are in her hands.

Michael makes a low sound in his throat when he sees the lace, making Mack shake her head, causing her short hair to rub across her face. Her face turns the color of Luke's.

I grab her arm, and yank her towards the door, "We really must be going now, remember that thing we had to do, Mack?"

"What thing?" she asks, as I pull her closer to the door.

I open my eyes wide, trying to give her some kind of hint, "You know, that thing we were talking about, that we had to do."

"Aspen, what are you talkin-" she starts.

"Well! That's a million for letting Mack stay over... I guess, see you guys later," I say, shoving both me and Mack out the door.

"Wow, Mack, really? You couldn't just like go with it?" I ask, walking to the car.

"Oh, my cheesus, I'm sorry," she laughs, getting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're sorry," I say sarcastically, turning on the car.

The music floods into the car, Mack's arm shoots to the volume nob.

"Are you trying to make us deaf?" she hollers.

"Are you kidding... the volume was on 10, you freaking grandma," I laugh, pulling out.

"You freaking grandma," she mocks.

Before too long, we're jamming to the newest Twenty One Pilots song, with windows rolled down.

"I can't believe you," I say, over the wind.

"What?" she hollers, obviously not hearing me.

I roll up the windows, and turn down the music.

"You, Mackenzie Alise Berg, slept over at a boys house?" I laugh.

"What? He was cute."

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