Chapter 13: Or Something

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I look down at the blurry numbers on Calum's watch, and I try to focus on them to see what time it is.

"Calum... it's like 4 something," I slur.

He looks down at his watch, "Oh, shit! Try 5 A.M. We gotta get home."

Calum grabs me by the elbow, and starts pulling me out the door. But, the party around us is still in full swing, so I'm almost trampled by people on the way to the door.

"You guys leaving?" Bear winks, stepping in front of Calum.

Suddenly, I remember everything from earlier and am instantly as angry as before. I yank my arm from Calum's grip and walk around Bear, out the front door.

A too familiar hand wraps around my wrist, "Hold up. I am your ride, you know."

"What do you think I am?" I spit, the alcohol giving me a courage I didn't have before.

"Aspen, what are you talking about?" Calum scrunches his forehead.

"I don't want to end up like Lex," I say, "or any other girl you screw over, for that matter."

Calum's fists ball up at his sides, "You don't even know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I don't? well," there's no turning back now, "Luke told me about that girl and how she cheated on you and then you built up this wall... and now you're banging every girl in sight, shamelessly. I saw the look on Lex's face, Calum. The way it darkened changed when she saw me behind you. How could you hurt her like that?"

Calum's jaw clenched and unclenched, "Get in the car. Now."

I bite my lip, hard, just realizing what I'd just done. Luke trusted me with that information, and the first chance I get I go and spit it in Calum's face.

I scurry to the car, ashamed. I hop in the passenger seat, and face the opposite direction of Calum.

I stay like this the whole ride. Only when we get back to the apartment, I find my voice.

"Calum, listen," I breathe, as he parks the car, not even looking in my direction, "I shouldn't have--"

"It's fine," he takes the keys out his car, and gets out.

"But--" I try to say.

"I said it's fine. Okay?"


My eyes flutter open to see Michael's head resting on my chest, the opposite of how we fell asleep. I reach over to the bedside table as careful as can be, so I don't wake Mikey.

I feel around for my phone, and finally find it after a few seconds of searching blind. I turn it on with a click, and the bright light shoots at my face. 7 A.M.

No wonder Michael isn't up yet. He won't be up for another 3 hours, at the least.

I wiggle from him, position a pillow right under his head, and creep over to his closet. I grab one of his many flannels and button it about halfway over my black sports bra. I dig around to find some black athletic shorts, and slip them on along with some Vans. Usually I'd go barefoot, but the tiles in Mikey's apartment are always freezing cold in the morning.

I get on my tiptoes, and walk over to his door. I grit my teeth as it squeaks open.

The living room is filled with plastic cups, empty pizza boxes, and one snoring Lauren. Her red hair is plastered all over her face, and her eyes are puffy from what I'm guessing is sleep. I couldn't imagine it being from crying. I don't think I've ever seen Lauren cry before, it's so rare.

I push the thought from my mind, as I open the fridge in the kitchen. Originally, I was thinking I could make everyone some breakfast, but now that I'm looking at their practically empty fridge, I don't think that's possible.

My hand shoots to the counter at my keys. I hold them in my hand, glancing at the miniature blue Volkswagen Beetle hanging from the keychain. The small figurine matches the car it came with. I got it for my 16th birthday and have had it ever since. And the ole girl has been sitting in Michael's driveway since when I'd come to visit him a day or so ago.

Just thinking of him puts a blushy smile on my face. I'd only ever had one serious relationship before Michael and it was nothing like this. With Mikey I can be myself and I don't feel like I have to rush into anything.

Xavier is the only guy I've ever slept with, and I can't even remember a good experience with him. But, with Michael I can't picture anything but a good experience.

I can't even think of Xavier without getting a sick feeling in my stomach. It's been about a year or so, but his affect on me is as new and disturbing as ever.

I walk outside and am welcomed by the warm morning feeling. In the sleeping department, I'm basically a grandma. I go to sleep early, and wake up even earlier.

When I walk to my blue bug, I notice Calum's car is parked behind mine, opposite of how it'd been last night. Guess he went on some late night drive or something.

I slide the keys into the ignition, and maneuver the car around Calum's. I pull on to the main road and switch the radio on. I'm not in the mood for any of the basic songs that typically come on the radio, so I dig around in the console for a CD. I find two descent ones: the crappy rock mixtape Xavier made me when we where still dating, and Amy Winehouse's Black to Black. Well, that's easy, Amy Winehouse no doubt.

I put the CD in and sing and tap my steering wheel all the way to the grocery store.

I twist around in my seat, after I'm parked, and grab my purse. I take a quick glance at myself in the rearview mirror, the only reason I don't look totally disgusting is because last night I may or may not have forgotten to take my makeup off.

The door to the bug squeaks open and I power walk into the grocery store.

I wander down the isles grabbing Michael some strawberry poptarts, Aspen some cereal, and everyone else some food here and there.

My original plan was to go in and out as quick as possible, but of course, I find myself wandering the book isle. About halfway into reaching for a book, I hear a creepily familiar voice from behind.

"You don't even like strawberry poptarts," they speak, "last time I heard, you despised them."

I spin on my heels to see a tall, lean man. His face is nothing but edges and shadows. The dark blonde locks still hang long on the sides of his face. The ring that had been on his nose since high school still remains. Everything about the guy was cold and familiar. Xavier.

"I--" I stutter, overwhelmed with shock.

"And you cut your hair," he purrs, taking a lock of my chin-length hair and twisting it in his long fingers. My whole body goes rigid, and I feel all the color drain from my face.

"I always did like it better long," he smirks. I swallow the huge lump in my throat, preparing to respond.

"Short hair suits me," I manage.

"And the glasses? Do you believe they suit you as well?" he laughs. He's toying with me, like he always has.

I turn to walk away, but he grabs my empty hand, "Mackenzie, I was just kidding. You look as beautiful as ever. We should really get together and catch up sometime."

"Let go of me, Xavier."

He releases my hand, "Alright, but please do consider my offer."

I nod to him, unable to speak.

"Oh," he adds, "and Mackenzie, do tell the boy those poptarts are for, that you were mine first, and that I can make you mine again."

Xavier is in the media!! it's actually Harry Gregory or something like that


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