Chapter 5: Einstein of Pranks

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Ellis slipped on a black beanie that matched her monochrome black high tops.

She had on white and black stripped leggings, a Nirvana long sleeve crop top, and she apparently took out her contacts because she has Ray Ban glasses on.

Ellis hands me a black beanie too, "Incognito."

"Ah," I laugh, she hands me a plastic bag.

"Fill it with what'd you like to destroy the outside of his frat house with," she winks.

Back in high school I was a pro at this kind of stuff. So I go for the glitter, and the beads, along with some silly string.

"I like your taste in disaster," she nods.

"Thanks," I say, "we should get some marshmallows and toilet paper too. Cause you know it's going to rain like all day tomorrow."

"You're a genius!" she exclaims.


We pull into Wal-Mart, and jog in.

"Alright," Ellis calculates, "It's 3:30 AM, now. So, most frat boys should be getting home right about now. And by the time we get there, those drunks should be fast asleep."

"Wow," I laugh, "you really do have this whole thing figured out don't you?"

"What did I say? I am a pro," she smirks.

She pulls me by the arm down the isles.

I spot the marshmallows, "There they are!"

"Come on," she says, running, "we have no time to waste!"

We quickly get the marshmallows and toilet paper. I come up with the idea to get instant mash potatoes, and leave those asses a little message.

Ellis grabs my face, and plants I big ole kiss on my forehead, "You're like the Einstein of pranks."


The frat house is huge and white. Surprisingly, they kept up the place nicely. Even better for us to destroy.

Ellis gives a quick evil laugh before getting out the car, "Let's give em hell."

I grab the glitter and beads, then throw it all over the yard. Good luck getting that up.

By the time we're done the yard and house is a glittery nasty mess.

Ellis grabs the instant mash potatoes from her car and rips the box open.

"What are you going to write?" I wonder.

Ellis quickly draws an E in a heart, and throws the box to me.

I draw a butt and pen, with a smirk on my face.

"Wow, ass pen," Ellis laughs, "nice."

The lights of the house turn on.

"Oh, shit!" Ellis exclaims, "get to The Taco, now!"

I through the mash potato powder on the ground and run.

I jump in the front seat of Ellis's truck. It's a Tacoma, but the M and A "fell off" (pretty sure she took the letters off) so now Ellis calls it "The Taco."

She spends off and I scream.

"Where are the seatbelt at?" I scream.

"I took those out. Don't need them!" she screams back.

"You're an idiot!" I laugh.

We spend around the corner, and it starts pouring rain.

"Let's go to my apartment! They don't know where I live!" I say.

"Good idea," she says, taking a hard turn left, and I hit my face against the window.

"Ow!" I holler.

"Sorry," she laughs.

We pull into the parking of dorm A, and run out the car into the building.

I lead her to the fourth floor, where my dorm is, and reach for the keys.

"Oh, shit," I say, "Oh! Shit!"

"What? What is it?" Ellis questions.

"I forgot the key!" I whisper, I can hear the guys coming up the stairs.

Ellis and I begin bagging on the door, screaming for them to let us in.

"Mack! Lauren!" I holler.

The guys footsteps are getting louder and louder, and we see them come around the corner.

"Oh, my God!" Ellis hollers.

"I should've known it was you!" I hear one of the guys growl, guess that's David.

We bang louder, as the guys get closer.

Finally, Mack comes to the door, "What the fu-"

Before she can even finish her sentence, we push through her, causing her to fall to the ground. I slam the door, and lock it as fast as I can.

The guys bang on it for a few seconds, before it gets quiet and seems like they've gone away.

"Oh, my God," I sigh. Ellis busts out laughing.

"That was awesome," she laughs. Her laughter spreads to me, and we just sit and laugh on the floor, until Mack interrupts us.

"What the hell just happened?" Mack ask, her hair a mess from sleep.

"Uh," I say, looking over at Ellis, "it's a long story."

The rain pores against the roof of the dorm.

"Is she staying? Because I don't think she should plan on leaving anytime soon," Mack chuckles.

"Oh," I say, looking at Ellis, "this is Mackenzie, also known as Mack, one of my roommates. And Mack, this is Ellis."

"Well, Ellis, you're welcome to stay as long as you like, but I'm going back to sleep. If I don't get my beauty sleep, I'm a super bitch," she laughs, walking away.

Mack climbs back into the top bunk, and Lauren is on her bunk. I'm not even surprised she didn't wake up through any of that.

Ellis and I grab each other's hands and pull each other up.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep," I laugh, "but you can sleep on my bed if you want."

"I'm not going to sleep, no way," she shakes her head.

"Netflix?" I ask.


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