Chapter 11: She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

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I grab Luke's wrist as he begins to walk out of the dark room, "Thanks."

He turns, "For what?"

"For just being...nice," I smile at him, even though he probably can't see me through the darkness.

I can barley see the corner of his mouth turn up, "Hey, it's no problem. I probably should go ahead and apologize for Calum's actions. He can be like that sometimes. He didn't use to be."

"What do you mean?" I ask. He sighs, sitting at the corner of the bed.

"Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this," He runs a strong hand through his hair.

"You can trust me," I give him weak smile that he probably couldn't even see.

"Awhile back," Luke starts, "Calum was dating this girl, and I know what you're about to say 'Calum committed to someone gasp', but he was different then. He didn't sleep with every girl on campus, and never call them again. Old Calum would never, he was all about commitment."

I stir in Luke's bed at the thought.

"But one day, Calum went to the girl's apartment to surprise her, and he caught her cheating. And it's not like this was the first time this kind of thing has happened to Cal, he'd been cheated on so many times, and after that the guy just kinda... broke."

"So he kind of just got fed up with it?" I ask.

"He got tired of the one being hurt I guess," Luke says, "I've always thought there was more to the story, that he wasn't telling us everything."

"What do you mean?" I wonder.

"Nothing, forget about it," he gets up from the bed, "just don't say anything, okay?"

I figure it's best not to push so I nod, "Yeah, okay."

"Goodnight, Aspen," he smiles, weakly.

"Goodnight, Luke."


Michael leaves soft kisses from my neck to my stomach, making me a moaning mess.

He kisses both of my hip bones, tugging on the loose gym shorts I put on after my shower.

"Michael," I pant, "wait."

"What is it, kitten?" He looks up at me.

"First, what did I say about calling me kitten?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," He giggles.

It takes all my courage to say the rest, due to fear of upsetting him. I couldn't take seeing an ounce of hurt in his eyes.

"What's second?" he asks, innocently.

"I think we should slow down," I close my eyes, now I wouldn't have to see his upset face.

I feel him crawl back up to where we're face to face. Panic makes me palms sweat. I pray that he won't be too upset. The last thing I want is the past rewriting itself.

"Whatever you want, baby," I hear him whisper and kiss the stop right under my ear, tenderly.

My eyes shoot open in surprise, "Really?"

He searches my face, worried, "Yeah? Why would I want to force you into anything? I-- I would never."

A ball of dread I didn't even know was there, unwound itself in my chest. My whole body shutters in relaxation.

I snuggle into his chest, and lace my fingers into his, as he kisses my hair.

I fall asleep listening to his steady heartbeat, and soft breathes.


I cover my mouth, and shut the door to Michael's room as soft as I can, trying not to wake them.

I tiptoe run back to the couch, almost tripping on the table in front of it.

The tears finally fall down my cheeks, as I curl into a ball on the soft sofa.

I whip the tears away as fast as they came, and muffle my cries, now I don't wake Ashton who's lying right across from me.

"Lauren? Is that you? Are you okay?" I hear Ashton say, stretching his strong arms.

"Uh," I panic, "yeah, I'm fine. You should probably go to your room, and sleep on your bed. I'm not the best sleeping partner, I'll end up kicking you."

I fake a laugh, as I scold myself in my head for crying at the sight of Mack and Michael.

"Alright," he yawns, "see you in the morning?"

He gets up from the couch, and it squeaks slightly.

"Yeah," I turn over, now he can't see my face, "see you in the morning."


I toss and turn in, unable to sleep with all the thoughts running around in my mind.

What did Luke mean when he said Calum didn't tell them the whole story? What else could've happened? Who was the girl who broke him? Did she mean a lot to him? Or was he just fed up?

Answers, answers, answers, I think, I need answers.

Ever since I was a kid not having answers drove me insane.

I throw the sheets off, and I'm immediately greeted by the cold air in Luke's room. I shiver and tiptoe to the door.

I sprint across the hall, without actually looking and am rammed by someone who must've had the same idea as me.

"Ow," I wince, looking up at already having an idea of who it could be. I recognize that hard chest, I'd run into it before.



but really it's been like forever!! and I always forget to leave an a/n :(

so like laspen.. or caspen??? comment and vote!! ily

annakate x

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