𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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I hold onto her arm as we walk towards the door and Nicki follows behind, ugh I wish she would just leave us be for a bit. What I really should have done was keep ray or troy around so he could accompany Nicki while I get closer with jas, that would be better but heck, what can I do now. I let go of jaspes arm and walk ahead, acting fearful. I already have done all of this before, just another day down here till I can solve the last question. We get to the next room and I read the question. "Have you gone insane? Have you noticed how the door open on there own. Why or why not?". the board reads, no shit I know the doors that open manually are dangerous halls and the automatic doors are safe halls. "Oh? We have only had one door manual" I turn my gaze to jas. She's kinda tall and has brown wavy hair thats soft to the touch, her Bennie looks nice on her to. I then look over at Nicki, her pale skin and all pink and white outfit and hair throws me off that I just cant stand so I look back at Jaspe. "Well have you gone insane?" I tease at her, leaning down to her level and chuckle as she shakes her head "no! Hahaha, I haven't. Nor will I" jas replied in her sweet soft, medium pitch voice I love.

Then Nicki said "I probably have but haven't realized it yet." Flat out with her hand up, she seems annoyed with me as I roll my eyes at Nicki "bet so." I said with sarcasm and then we all write no on the paper and the door opens on its own and we walk through it. The hall was darker and I walk infront of the 2 girls, as we make our way the lights flicker and we all stop in our tracks. Shoot. Him again. I sigh and then look over at jaspe and nicki "y'all ok?" I ask, mainly jaspe but not like im trying to show I dont like Nicki, simply want time with jas witch im getting so im not going to try to get more now. Later, yeah. "Im fine, Nicki?" Jaspe said and then Nicki said "that was very random". Me and jas nod and keep moving. The next room will be brutal. We get to the room and then jaspe reads the sign for us "take a shot. Welp, if it says so-" I then seriously said louder, not yelling, "JASPE, NO! you have to pick the right one. Theres no rules of if we have to drink just one so let me try first, you drink the one I say is ok, please" I said to jaspe deterred to keep her safe from the one thats poisoned, They dont know that but I just cant say it to them ether. I drink a small sip of the row of 4 shots and the 2ed one was poisoned, I dont drink it and spit it out. "This one is bad. The rest are fine" I raise the shot glass and then set it down away from the other ones. We all drink the unposised shots and jaspe shakes her head softly while Nicki was unfazed, she is something else... we then right down "done" on the paper with the

given pencil and then the door doesn't open on its own. Darn it. I knew this was coming but still hurts to think about. Nicki then starts to act up. She seems more alert and brave, like she just took a good wif of forbidden sugar, its just one shot... I then open the hall door and the murderer in there gets scared when Nicki runs in and yells "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! RAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Nicki scares at the murderer and he runs like his life depends on it and jaspe starts laughing "good job Nicki" jaspe said as she walks down the hall and I follow behind. "Im now noting to never give Nicki alcohol" I mumble and jas hears me and chuckles "good idea" she replies. Nicki ends up making the murderer fear for his life so bad he ends up passing out. Wow, to think she's that crazy. I then pick up the murder aka bob and then throw him into the wall, "that will keep him out for a bit" I say as I clap my hands together so the dry blood flakes get off my hands, jaspe nods and Nicki trys to open the next door but cant and then yells "OPEN SESAMES" and jaspe laughs. Im confused how they even met at this point. I walk behind jaspe and read the sign from her shoulder "kiss the wall. Jk. Kill bob." It said and I get a idea, "Nicki? Wanna play a game with bob?" Nicki then swings her head around. its like dealing with a crack-head with Nicki drunk and jaspe then looks over at me "who's bob?" Jaspe asked me in a nice way and I say "probably the dude Nicki basically killed" and point over at bob who is agents the wall passed out. Jaspe

then looks over at the knife on the table and then looks over at me, "who wants to volunteer to kill bob?" Jaspe said and Nicki shakes her head, still trying to open the door like a dummy she is. "I will, close your eyes" I say in a calm tone and move some of her hair in her face so she doest see "if you want cover your ears to" as I said it and she did, she closed her eyes and covered her ears. I dont care what Nicki wetnesses so I leave her to her fantasy self. I grab the knife on the table and make my way to bob who was just starting to wake up "hu?" Bobs old man voice mumbles in and then I stab him in the chest, blood spreads in the room and I then cover where I stab him and wait for Nicki to fall on the ground from how hard she is pulling that door and after at least 20 seconds Nicki stops pulling on the door and stands next to jaspe and plays with her hair some, She's probably board. "Did you kill bob?" Jaspe said and I walk up to her and ruffle her hair as a yes, she has her ears covered and eyes so I dont even try to speak. She then opens her eyes and then I write "done" on the paper with his blood on my hands. Jaspe then rubs her finger on my hand and writes "done" on the paper. This woman is driving me crazy "Nicki are you going to write done or not?!" I loose my cool slightly and then she grabs jaspes hand and writes "done" with it and the door opens. Nicki then runs down the hall, probably scaring anything in her path as me and Jaspe walk. "Something on your mind? You can tell me" I ask jaspe, she seems

kinda tired and out of it a bit. "Im fine just tired" she said as she keeps walking down the hall and Nicki waits in the end room for us. "Want me to carry you?" I said in a teasing tone but I mean it. I would carry her if she wanted. "Oh no ill be fine" she waved her hand and shook her head as a no and we make it into the room. "This is not to bad other then the last room this has been easy" jaspe said and the I hear her stomach rumble and she gets embarrassed. "Wanna eat something first?" I ask her and point over at the table in this room. It was the food area where you could make or get snakes with plenty of food "wait theres- oh wow. There is food down here" jaspe said and I chuckle "yeah seems like it". Nicki is already haft way down running this big room. Theres no sign here because this is the place you take care of yourself and not have to worry about yourself much. "Hey we can take as much time as we want in here I think. So get some rest and something to eat" I said kindly to jaspe and point over at the doors that are to the right of the room, each room can fit around 1 people but 3 is max, the food is actually good and we have to make it ourselves. "I can make us sandwiches" I tell jaspe and her eyes light up like stars in the night and it warms my heart, she nods her head and then I walk over to the kitchen that was only 10 feet away and grab stuff to make a pb&j sandwich. "So jaspe. Wanna play 18 questions? Senses thats our age" I ask her and she sits on the counter as I make her sandwich first, "sure, about

Nicki im sorry she has never had a drink shot before" she said with a chuckle. Not like im one to talk I have had to kill 2 men now. Now I'm laugh with her. "Its fine. Nicki will be Nicki" I said to ease her mind and I can tell it worked but in reality Nicki is one of the most craziest people I ever seen, worse then a crack head with drunken fighter in the hood. Jaspe sighs of relief I dont mind Nickis crazy nature and I then say "want me to be first or you?" I spread the jelly after putting peanut butter on one slice thats on a plate, and jas points at me. "You first" she said as she leans closer to where im making her sandwich and I stay focus on the sandwich, well... I try that is but Nicki easily stops me in my love track and said "yo! Can I have one to?". I glare at Nicki for a moment and then sigh, "yeah". she then runs off after saying thanks. "So jas, have you ever liked anyone? Im just curios" I said like the dummy I am, why did I ask her that question first? "Not really, haven't though about it" jaspe shrugs and then I pass her the knife that had peanut butter on it and jelly for her to lick and thats what she dose, carefully licks the peanut butter and jelly off the knife and I put her sandwich in her lap and start to make mine.

—{AN/WC 1790}—

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