𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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I start to make her dinner and she sits in her normal spot on the counter, things dont seem to that accord between use after that task when we.. kissed. God damn I want more of her. I think this is what they call, a craving? Probably so. I keep making her dinner and she leans in as I place the plate on her lap. "What's up with you? You seem. More tense" jaspe said calmly and I freeze and I then realize her legs are on the side of my lower waist, "jaspe... please move your legs" I said softly and my breath shakes as she moves her plate next to her and of course nicki walks in on me leaning in on jaspe. "What in the dennys is going on here?" Nicki said loudly and stomped into the kitchen and I back away from jaspe, jaspe sighs and look down at her lap. "We were talking, nicki" I said in a annoyed tone sign her to go away and she stands there and I sigh "nicki. Ima be real here. Your getting on my nerves, you always walk in at the worse timing and the fact you even are in here right now pisses me off so just. Leave." I say sternly to nicki and walk around the counter and jaspe seems kinda hesitant to speak. she then looks back down and puts her hand in her hair, resting her arms on her legs and I insanely realize what I said even upset jaspe and i look at her with disappointment.

"Jaspe.." I said softly and walk over to her and stand by her as she sits on the counter top still. "Im sorry... Im just annoyed" I said to jaspe and she lifts her head without a word, just sad eyes. Fuck. I want to hug her "can I hug you to make it better?" I ask my stupid question anyways. "Say sorry to nicki at lease" Jaspe said softly and took a slow bite of her dinner and thats what I did after at lease 20 seconds of standing there "im sorry nicki" I said as I look over at her, she huffs and walks away as she sees cate and goes off to scare her. Ray comes in the room and jaspe seems more happy I said sorry but she doesn't see ray "what's up now?" I said sternly and I glare at him as I make my way to jaspe and he dose the same but I block him. "Protective much?" Ray said with a glare and I huff, jaspe just watches and keeps eating her dinner. I dont know if she knows how dangerous this man is. He will kill anyone because of boredom witch is not good on our part that is, at lease. I know im stronger then him. I flip him off and he rolls his eyes "im not going to hurt her" ray smirks and leans on the counter and I pick jaspe up. "Go away creep" I glare and take jaspe away "lets go, please" I said to jaspe as she is to stuned to realize what im even doing, she just stays still in my arms and holds her dinner in her hands "uh.. ok" jaspe said in a confused tone and I take her to my room. Ones we got there I place her down on my bed "jaspe, please dont let him near you with out me there to. If you ever see him tell me right away" I said to her

kinda calmly but stressed and she nods her head. Thank goodness. I sigh of relief and sit down next to her, finally we are fully alone. "So. What has had you so tense lately? Ever sense we did that task you seem more tense and alert. What's up?" Jaspe asked ones she finished her dinner. "Well. You are my first kiss and to get that into a kiss and act like nothing happed is so new to me. Its hard to get it off my mind... I could go into detail but im not." I confess to her and lean on my hand and look over at her. "I want to do that again" I said softly and tilts my head to the side as jaspe seems shocked ones again. "I dont know what to say..." jaspe said softly and then turns her body towards me, putting her hand on my head "we dont have to act like nothing happened when its just us you know." She said to me and that was when I knew, I really crave her. "I love you" I mumble under my breath and lean in closer to her "can I hug you" I say more clearly and she nods her head. "Thanks" I said happily and hug her close. I put my head on her shoulder and arms around her waist "can I maybe kiss you?" I said softly and look up at her face from her shoulder "you really wanna do that again?" Jaspe asked softly and rubs my hair. "Yeah" I said and pick up my head to get closer to hers. She nods and I grab her chin / upper neck and kiss her on the lips lightly and pull away after a few seconds. "Again?" I ask and she nods softly. I let my hands slide down her neck and kiss her again lightly and this kiss last longer. I pull her

waist closer to me and she starts getting into it, she leans in and moves her head to the side and makes the kiss deeper, I move my hand up her neck and into the back of her head in her hair and she holds onto me keeps me close, I move my hand thats on her waist down to her thigh and pick her up and lay her down and she wraps her arms around me as we make out. I lay down on her and grip her hair and let my hands roam her upper body, not touching her anywhere bad. But then she rubs her hands on my back. She tenses up when she dose this and I can tell she is nervous by her tenseness.
The clock shows its 5:20 am and nicki was on the floor nocked out asleep in ones again a uncomfortable poison that I dont know how she manages to sleep in. I then lay my head back down and see jaspes hair near me and I hold her hair gently and then close my eyes till she wakes up. Around an hour goes by and jaspe wakes up "hey.." She said tiredly and sat up. I sit up and lean forward "mornin jaspe" I said in a kinda tired tone aswell and she smiles and nods "good morning" she said and then looked over at nicki and chuckles and shakes her head. "How did you sleep?" I ask and lean on her shoulder. "Good, what about you?" Jaspe asked back, "good" I smile and keep my eyes on her and she looks back at me and smiles. Nicki then wakes up and sits up like a dead zombie "yall need to get a room." Nick said as she looks at us kinda annoyed and jaspe sighs "nicki.. he is just close to me is all, nothing bad will happen" jaspe said

as she looks over at nicki and jaspe seems kinda lost and dosent know what to do so I stop leaning on her and just look at her and then at nicki "then leave. We were here first." I said to nicki sternly and grab jaspes waist and lay back down, pulling her down with me and jaspe dosent try to fight out and she stays with me and nicki rolls her eyes and walks out to do whatever I couldn't give less of a damn. "Jaspe did nicki wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" I ask and hold her close "probably..." she said softly and holds my arm "mm.. ok" I growl softly and jaspe tenses up, I must've made her nervous once again, sigh. I didn't mean to was the thing, was just speaking. i then cuddle up agents her and close my eyes. As we cuddle I hear jaspe take a deep sigh and starts to calm down and i hear nicki outside the room playing with cate but not with ray witch is a relief, At lease she isn't getting hit on. i then feel jaspe move closer to me and i hug her tighter. "We should probably get up sometime hm?" i ask her in a gentle tone and she lightly pushes me off of her "yeah. Also we should keep the lovey dovie stuff to us, sense nicki hates it" jaspe said and looks down to her hands in between her thighs. "Who gives a damn about nicki." i said as i put my hands behind my head. "i do. She is my best friend- " jaspe said and i cut her off "you dont have to hug me back out there, let alone kiss me back but dont let nicki be the reason why i should stop" i sit up and put my hands behind me. Jaspe looks at me

with some anger and then takes a deep breath and thinks, so I let her. i then sit on the side of the bed and jaspe looks down at my lap and i pat my lap "you wanna sit in my lap as you think- wait... are you crying?" i ask jaspe as i see tears run down her face. I then lean in and jaspe backs away "what.. are you doing?" jas asked and i back off and move some of my hair out of my face. "Sorry..." I mumble and she moves back agates the wall, moving backwards on the bed and nicki walks back in "haha no skibidi rizz L skill issues grimace shakeless not from ohio." she walked back out and shut the door behind her and i hear a faint "skbidi out of 10" that nicki said to cate and i ignore them and sit in front of jaspe. "Jaspe.. i like you... so please understand why i would be upset at her" i said and jas freezes. "You like me? For real?" Jas asked and i nod my head. "i wouldnt" i lean in and kiss her "have never have done that" I said softly, close to her face. "But-" i kiss her again, cutting her off, i grab her upper neck, and she grabs my cheeks and pushes away the kiss. "wait till its night. We have tasks to solve anyways" she said and i nod while backing off her. "Alright, sunshine" i said as i got off the bed and she follows. We eat and get ready for the next task, ugh. i really want to kiss jaspe right now, she's to damn cute for me not to, call me obsessed or a creep but this woman has me wrapped around her finger tight, And i dont plain on struggling out.

Wc: 1914

Idk if i related it early or late sorry i have been busy as ever

Wattpad said 5 days but.. i believe it has been over but idk I'm lost lol

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