𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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I learn a lot about jaspe in the pass few hours. From chatting while eating lunch to her and Nicki playing around with some stuff they had, I know we cant see the real sun but I think I found mine. Watching her have fun and be silly with her crazy crack head of a friend puts me at ease she's not to worried about this place. Im starting to get tired and after all there playing Nicki gets tired and to the point that jaspe has to carry her over to where I was sitting and I get up. "Wanna get to bed jas?" I ask as I pick up Nicki from her back and I walk with jaspe to the rooms, they aren't bad but also they are old and the only one thats even decent is the one I sleep in witch is the one in the middle of the row of 6. I put Nicki in the 3rd room and let her sleep there and jaspe stays by her side. "Do you think we can all sleep in the same room?" Jaspe asked me, she seems worried about sleeping and I can tell she needs sleep but is to scared to. I nod my head "yeah, we can all sleep in my room I use". Then I pick up Nicki and jaspe follows behind me to my room, I set hoagie down on a extra pillow on the floor and then I take another blacken I had for winter on her aswell and then jaspe sees more at ease and I

grin softly. She's finally at ease again and because of me witch makes me happy. "Thank you so much Daniel, im sorry I though you were someone you were not" she said softly and then sat down on the bed and she starts to drift off to sleep, I rush to her to catch her head and then lay her down gently onto my bed, moving her legs over and her head onto my pillow. "Im glad you like me more but jaspe. No need to be sorry" I whisper to her and then lay down next to her and we all fall asleep.
Few hours I wake up to walking outside my room. Shoot its them! I get up swiftly and barricade the door and lock it as the girls sleep, thank goodness. I dont want them to get traumatized by this hell-hole. Im even kinda scared for them not going to lie. I get back in bed and snuggle up next to jaspe, hugging her and wait for all of the psychopaths to pass and go back to whatever, I dont want them to get hurt despite Nicki being the most mental case but its not as crazy as them witch im grateful for, also I hear a door open in the left room and I think the dude then dose something to one of the other nutcases around as I can hear them, ugh. I then let go of jaspe from the back hug I gave her and then she leans into me in her sleep and my face felt hot as I felt her so close, I hug her and pull her close and then I look over her shoulder to check on Nicki. Basically passed out asleep in the most weird position I have ever seen in my 18 years of

living. Her legs were on the wall while her hands were on her chest and her neck looked almost broken, Nicki is Nicki so I guess this is the new exception for her. Ok.. I lay my head back down close to jaspes hair and cuddle up with her and then I fall back asleep and my dream was something else, it was about me and jaspe getting at it, like.. when I was on top of her I though I felt her in a place and it was the best I could image, because it was in my imagination. need to calm down dang! Think about how life is here. Hell? Na I got jaspe now- NO JASPE RIGHT NOW! life is more fun with the girls here, I finally feel not alone now so thats nice, having company and someone who I can cuddle is nice. Sigh... I need serious help. Then I fall asleep while holding onto jaspe
Ones morning hit, knowing that its 6:30 am is morning I get up and dont leave my spot till jaspe wakes up but Nicki made it clear she was awake and played with my red ball I found while wandering around few months ago, I look over at jaspes face and see she is still asleep so I try to sleep longer while Nicki dose whatever she wants, not my problem till she's close too death. Jaspe then turns over and groans softly, holding onto me and her leg over mine and I cant help but just pull her closer and hug her closely as she dose the same. We stay like this for at lease 20 minutes till jaspe wakes ups. "Good

morning~" I said and my voice is a bit deeper sense its morning, jaspe then slowly closes her eyes more and nods "morning" jaspe said in a deeper voice then normal, she then realized she was laying down with me and woke up and let go of me along with sat up. "You ok?" I ask as I sit up with her and lean towards her. "Yeah.. yeah, just never had someone so close that I just met." Jaspe rubs the back of her neck, she's so easy to read, poor thing. I want to hug her but I dont and stay seated beside her. "Yeah true.. I really dont mind it though, its nice to have a hug after not seeing anyone in a bit, you know." I said calmly, in attempt to not make her feel bad, she then nods her head and I sigh softly of relief. I then look over her and to see nicki on the ground hugging the ball in her sleep, how dose she live? "What about we get up and solve some questions, ay?" I said to lighten the mood and it kinda works. Jaspe nods her head and Nicki wakes up and.. break dances? Well she has a lot of engey this morning night or whatever. I get up from the bed and check the peep hole for anyone around and theres no one "hey, if y'all want to shower or get food now is the time" I said to the girls. jaspe nods gets up and follows me while Nicki break dances. Nicki will be Nicki. I show jaspe where the showers are and nicki tags along after 10 minuets and we get ready to go down to more questions. So its 7:00 am now, we have till midnight to get back here so we dont die from the others, ok, We will live and make it out if Nicki can manage to

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