𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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We walk through the hall and into the next room and nicki pulls on the other door and then run pass us and yells "ahhhhhhhhhh" as she runs down the halls. "Want me to read or you" i said to Daniel and he grabs my waist as he got closer and pulled me close to him. "Why... are you so damn cute" Daniel whispers in my ear and he puts his head on my shoulder but this is no time to be sweet, its time for tasks or has he forgotten? But... not going to lie he is super cute like this. "i-i dont know what say to that" i gently take his hands off my waist and read the board. 'Kiss the closes person to you'. Shit. i then look over at Daniel and then he leads down, spoke softly "its for a task, sweetheart" his tone deepens. "Sigh. This task is helping you isn't" i said and he then leans in and his mouth sligtly open and when he kissed me, this kiss was deep, him body moved forward and we stumble towards the wall, his hand moves up my leg and then the paper falls But Daniel keeps kissing me, his hands roaming around my body, pushing me in to make the kiss deeper. i cant get him off,

his to strong... darn it. He will end up basically eating my face if he keeps this up. Finally after 10 fucking minutes he stops and looks down at the paper because i tapped his shoulder, it was that easy this full 10 minuets? Whatever. "Sorry, i got to excited" Daniel said in shame and i pat his head softly "its ok.. but please try to control yourself " i said. "i cant when we are this alone. i want do more and more then you could image. Jaspe. Im fucking crazy for you." He confessed and looks kinda ashamed but his eyes were full of passion, In a way that is. "Daniel..." i said softly and stop ruffling his hair. "Do you think this 'crazy' thing will ever leave?" i ask in attempt to see if we can solve his craziness for me earlier on, well i did know this would happen but never though so swiftly. "Not really" he said with a shake of his head "ok." i nod and look away from him. So, he is obsessed with me, great. Now i have to deal with nicki and Daniel being all up around me, not like i mind it much just i want him to be ok with me being alone from time to time, i love him yes but i want him to be also stable without me. What if i die? Would he be ok? will he- "jaspe" Daniel said sternly as he grabed my shoulders "what's on your mind? You look nervous." He said and i look up at him "was just thinking of some stuff no big deal" i said in a more calm manner and look over that the board. 'Sit in the chair, tied down and solve the puzzle within time.' "Daniel who do you want to be tied to the chair?" i ask and walk over to the chair

and he follows "thats a hard question" he replies. "Well. One of us have to go in the chair" i said and nicki comes running in, "KFGKFFIUWQGUFVUWVJKVBJK" nicki yells and i grab her arm and put her in the chair "nicki stay here for a bit" i said to her and she throws her head while i tie her to the chair and Daniel helps me by holding her down. "There" i said ones done, nicki is now tied up so me and Daniel can work on the puzzle of the abandon hospital photo. i bend over the table to grab the far away peaces. "Got all the peaces?" He asked and stood beside me "yeah, this table is big." i replied as i stand straight and put 2 peaces together, "QUVWWFGUFRQWVRHESGSSTKBS" nicki screams and we contune to solve the puzzle. Putting the paces together, finding matching peaces and Daniel looks kinda confused here and there but over all was a big help. We get it done after what felt like a lot of screaming and destruction, we did it. "Ha!" i exhale and walk over to the yelling nicki and unite her and she then runs into the next room when the door opened. "You did good jas" Daniel said and put his hand on my shoulder "thanks" i replied and nod. i look over at the board and it said 'free person before they die.' And nicki was in a chair with a woman holding her there with a mask over her nose "well. Well. Well. Look who we have here, Daniel." The woman said and Daniel steps infront of me. "Jaspe. Please run back to my room, and grab my knife." Daniel said seriously and pushes me back lightly

for me to go so thats what I did. i run back to the care take place and go into his room, grab his knife and run back and i hear nicki scream. She sounds in pain and by the time i get there the woman that had nicki hostage was dead, on the floor. Dead. Daniel fucking killed the woman, how?- "Daniel. Did you just kill her with the small tube?" i ask in some state of fear. "Yeah... please dont hate me" he said and throws the tube down next to the woman. She has a tag and her name is 'mary' well dang. She was on the list to, maybe? i probably forgot. "Just give me time to proses. You killed a woman with just a tube. H-how did you react so quickly" i said. "we still need to do the task you know" Daniel said and points at nicki who is tied up and toxic gas was being released from the tube he broke. "Daniel we need something to cover that!" i said sternly and punch the wall where the gas was coming from, i only end up hurting myself "ow" i mumble and pass Daniel his knife as he stands next to me and he stabs the wall. Its hollow and we see a gas can and a hall, A EXIT!"DANIEL! A EXSIT" i said in excitement and turn off the gas so nicki can breath again. "Jaspe..." he said softly and looks at me in sorrow "what?" i ask and he seems to tear up. "sunshine... im sorry" he said with tears running down his face, "what..." i replied with fear and confusion. What dose he mean? "Jaspe, if you didn't make me stab that wall we could have. Been together" he takes a few more steps towards me and then whispers in my ear. "Im so sorry

but, run down that hall. Ill chase you with this knife, ones you get to the door open it and leave it open long enough for me to get though. Please. This is our chance out" he then pushes me aggressively but i can tell, he doesn't even want to act the out but i go with it and i run as nicki follows behind. "DONT RUN NOW JASPE! NOW I GOTTA KILL YA! CANT GO AROUND WITH YOUR DOG AND PUNCH WALLS, MY LOVE" Daniel said and he chases us and did he just call himself a 'dog'? Welp no time to ask now! "DANIEL I TRUSTED YOU!" I yell back and i know Daniel is acting but this seems to real. We run what seems like forever and then i see it, THE DOOR! i run to the door and open its and it led up, FREEDOM AT LAST! i then let nicki get infront of me and i keep the door open and hold nicki back till Daniel makes it through, still acting like he wants to kill me. "OH JASPE, DEAR!" He said as he pulls my hair back and then brings me into the stair room and he sighs of some relief as the door shut "lets get going, NOW!" He said and grabs my hand and let's go of my hair before we run upstairs together. We run up a long stair case and ones out we were at the back of the abandoned hospital at sunset. Seeing the sun again was so relieving in a way, "wow..." Daniel said as he grabs my waist and nicki was playing with a rock. BANG from the door we went though to get up here and Daniel grabs my hand and i grab Nickis ones she came to me, Off we go, Ones again.

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