𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Written by: @BrooksWriting [thereal_nicki herself]

Meanwhile, our comedic side character Nicki was in a cave searching for a specific artifact. This artifact is an ancient sword that was used by tribes in the very early times. This sword is said to be very powerful with the spirits of the past tribe leaders in it. Nicki foraged through a deep dark forest when she stumbled upon a trap door that led into the cave. "What the deuce?" She yelled, "It's locked!" Nicki was worried until she realized she had the key in her pocket. She just forgot she put it there. Once the trap door was opened, she walked into the cave. It was dark and musty and smelled like Jaspe's left big toe. Suddenly, a roar is heard through the cave. Nicki screamed as a giant bear comes running at her, leaping to attack her. She sprints to the side and ducks behind a rock. She then starts thinking. "How am I supposed to fight a giant bear? Oh wait! I know!" With a plan in her mind, she jumps up, kicks back, whips around, and spins on the giant bear to defeat it. Then she ate the bear, head first. It was very filling. She then went back to adventuring the cave. She came across a giant metal door at the end of the cave. "Aw shucks, I don't have the key for this one..." She said. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a note. "Huh, what is this?" The note read, "To find thy key, break the rocks under your feet." Nicki knew what this meant because she was very very smart. "I have to eat the rocks under my feet! But that bear filled me up, so I will get the random kids in my basement to do it for me! They have not eaten in a while."After about 0.2 minutes, Nicki brought back the 43 children from her basement. They started devouring the rocks underneath them. After 123934 seconds, all the rock was gone. You could see the giant key laying on the bedrock that was underneath the rock that they ate and stuff idk. Nicki reached for the key. Instead of grabbing it, her hand went through it. "What the frijoles?" Suddenly, Nicki realized she was not in a cave that smelled like Jaspe's left big toe. The 43 children were not in her basement. She did not eat a bear. She was in a crate getting kidnapped. "This is ok too. This works just as well as finding an ancient sword that would give me all the power in the world and I could kidnap not just 43 children but like 943609 children." "SHUT IT!" The kidnapper yelled. Nicki ate the crate and just sat there. A couple trillion of years later, (it was actually 5 seconds Nicki is just very impatient) Nicki stood in the hospital where Jaspe, Daniel, and even Jaspe's left big toe were.

--wc: 496--
Sorry for the late update i have been busy and forgot and as a sorry I'll publish the final chapter and the after🥲

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