Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV (overview)

Since leaving Moordale secondary and moving onto Cavendish, I've felt alone. Like some sort of emptiness within myself. After loosing contact with Anwar and Olvia, I never really made much friends. And keeping up the mean girl act didn't exactly help at all. I tolerated some of my peers but they were never truly friends. Otis was once. He made me feel seen, and it felt nice while it lasted. But he didn't love me. I've longed for love for years now and for some reason I still have not found it. Many failed relationships later and still that emptiness lingers inside of me. 

I am now a business woman in New York. I was made for this big city, surrounded by hardworking people like myself. 

Y/n POV (overview)

Working in a corporate company is not easy. Our original CEO just sold the company over to some woman who we have yet to meet. I'm originally from New York City so I know my fair way around. I live down in Brooklyn which isn't that bad of a commute to lower Manhattan where I work as a Chief Financial officer (CFO) at a fashion company. My boss Daniel recently decided he wanted to retire and sold the company over to a new fashion business woman from London. She's gonna be my new boss apparently and we have a meeting with her today. 

--------------- Enjoy ;)---------------------

Ruby's POV 

It is my first day at my new company. I'm walking into the building and right off the bat, I am greeted by the front desk receptionist.

"Good Morning ma'am, welcome to the job. If you need anything, I will gladly help" he said. He was a young man, somewhat attractive. I smiled at him and continued towards the lift. I took a deep breath while in the elevator. Some nerves arose as I thought about the people I would be in charge of and whether they would like me or not. 

The lift dinged at my floor and I internally put up a wall and stepped out. Everyone in their cubicles looked towards me and stood quiet. I felt a bit insecure but held my head high and smiled towards them while making my way to my new office. 

Just before my office, I saw an older woman sat at a desk with an "assistant" name plate.

"oh hello Ms. Matthews, it is great to meet you. I am your assistant Claudia so anything you need, let me know." she said while standing and reaching out a hand to shake. 

I shook her hand and flashed a smile. "Thank you Claudia. Make sure everyone is in the conference room in 15 minutes so I can introduce myself" I said as I walked to the door of my office. She nodded and headed out to tell everyone what I said. 


 Sitting at my office desk I see the difference in the atmosphere of the workers by the cubicles. I get up and walk towards my door to see what the issue was.

"Just wait and see bro I can get her easily." Some guy was bragging to his coworkers as they surrounded him.

"What's going on here?" I asked confused as to what they were all gossiping about. 

"He's bragging about how he can sleep with the new boss." Some lady in her cubicle away from the group said as she rolled her eyes.

I raised my eyebrows surprised to see the change of respect shift in the office (especially from the men) when we now have a woman in charge. I look at the guy that made the disgusting comment and observed how much of a douche bag he seemed to be.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"um.. James." He said as his cocky attitude crumbled. He knew I had just as much power to fire him. 

"Right. Meet me in my office after the meeting James." I walked off back to my office to print hard copies of the finance reports before heading to meet the new boss. She wanted us all to be in the conference room which was fairly big considering how many board members we have. Everyone was in the conference room now so I decided to head there. I checked over the documents I had in hand as I reached to open the door. I was suddenly met with a rush of pain as hot liquid spilled on my pants. 

"Ahh fuck!" 

"oh my God I am so sorry" a voice said from beside me with an accent.

I looked up and saw a new face. She was beautiful. But she also just burned me with.. coffee?

"Here let me grab you some napkins" she spoke as she pulled me just a few feet away to the break room which was like a small kitchen. 

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry about your pants really."

"It's okay. I have another pair in my office. I'll change quickly." I walked off before she could say anything.

Ruby's POV 

I stood in the break room after she left and mentally cursed myself for making a fool of myself on the first day. Taking a deep breath I made my way back to the conference room. As I opened the door I was met with so many new faces. I didn't realize how big our office really was. 

"Good Morning Everyone, I'm Ruby Matthews, the new CEO." 

Just as I said that, the woman I spilled coffee on earlier walked in. She smiled slightly and stood by the door. Everyone looked at her slightly and straightened up in their seats a bit.

"As I was saying, I am looking forward to working with you all and I ask that everyone acts here in a professional manner. Now if you have any questions, feel free to ask. But you might need to make an appointment as I will be extra busy the next few weeks as I settle in." Making that speech felt nice. It's a different kind of power when people are looking to you for direction. 

"Now the finance department. Where is the CFO?" I asked looking around the room for my second in command. Everyone's eyes landed on one person as I followed who they were looking at. 

She raised her hand slightly with an awkward smile as I realized it was who I ran into earlier. 

"Y/n L/n ma'am, nice to meet you" she responded respectfully shaking my hand.

"Y/n.. nice to meet you. I'm gonna need the last couple of finance reports from the past months." I state as I gaze at her and slowly look back at the group. 

"For the rest of you, just keep doing what you are doing and eventually I will be shadowing each of you to make sure everything is going smoothly." Scanning them all as they stood quiet staring at me. 

"okay that's all. Good to meet you all" I turned towards the door and exited as I stole a glace at Y/n on my way out. I saw a slight smirk on her face as she stayed looking towards the group. She seems like a very disciplined person. You can tell she is well respected by the office.

Y/n's POV

As Ruby left the room, I decided to say a few things to everyone.

"Just a quick note, after the little discussion you were all having that I walked in on earlier, if I hear anything like that again, I will not hesitate to have you walking out of here with your desk in a box. You will show Ms. Matthews the same amount of respect you showed Daniel and myself. Am I understood?" As I look around many faces held shock at what I said. They all nod quickly.

I walk towards the door and say, "James, my office now."

I hear someone scrambling to get up which must've been him. Oh was I going to have fun with this one. 

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