Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

I feel a shiver run down my bare spine as I slightly start to wake up. I crack my eye open and see I'm facing the window I opened last night and it's blowing freezing cold air in. I grab my blanket and roll myself in it. I remember last night and realize my bed feels empty. Turning on my side, I look for the girl that was here with me but she's no where in sight. 

I furrow my eyebrows and sit up on the bed. I look around my room and see a beam of sunlight shine through my window, lighting up my dull white room. I grab a pair of boxers and a hoodie throwing it on.

Maybe she's in the kitchen?

I walk out my room and check around the apartment looking for her. But she's not here. 

A rush of emotions hit me. She just left? Just like that?

Tears brim my eyes as I hang my head lowly and walk back to my room. I drop myself on the side of my bed facing the window and let out a deep breath. I see a paper on my night stand to my right out of my peripheral. What is that?

I turn my attention to the paper and grab a hold of it. 

To My Love

She wrote me a fucking letter. This isn't a Julia Roberts movie wtf.

My hands shake as I open the letter and see her beautiful hand writing. 

God, I hate reading script. And she knows that. Fucker.

I sigh as I start to read the letter.

You're probably reading this just as you woke up looking for me. I'm sorry y/n but I had to go. I couldn't bare to see you and look into your eyes and say goodbye. So here's my goodbye. I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. Our first assignment together when you came in as a rookie. You were always so serious and had a wall up so no one could get in. But I did. I'd like to think so. The day of your accident, I was a mess. I was scared of losing you and the moment I got to see you again, I confessed my feelings for you at the hospital. And we started to date since that moment. I'm sorry for hurting you all those times. For leaving you stranded countless times and standing you up. I regret everything I did to hurt you. You might not think I love you as much as you do, but I always have. I was a mess back then and I was scared of committing to someone that knew their whole life plan. I didn't know what I wanted and now I'm paying the price by losing you. I want you to know that I am grateful for the love you have shown me all these years. Last night is a memory that will forever be embedded in my mind. The feeling of making love with you one last time will replay in my thoughts every night. I hope you find happiness and get the love you deserve with Ruby. As much as I don't want to say it, you both fit each other. Let her in. Don't put your wall up. I'll love you forever. Goodbye, Y/n.

P.S I know you hate reading script but you need to learn. One last little moment ;)  Read the mail that Y/BSF sent you. It's important.

Love, Genevieve <3

A tear of mine drops onto the paper below me as I drop my hand with the note in it onto my knee and glance out my window again. My heart aching as I replay her words. I set the note back down on my night stand and put my candle on top of it so the wind won't blow it away. 

I check my phone and see a few missed calls from the office. Great. Just what I need. 

I click the last number that called me.

"Hello?" I ask as I hear someone pick up.

"Hey Y/n?" 

"Ruby?" I sit up straighter confused how she got my number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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