Chapter 7

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Ruby's POV

Today was another eventful day at the office. The night is creeping up on us as the hours flew by. I'm getting ready to leave and head home now and finally get some rest. While packing my things I see the leftover lunch that Y/n and I had together. I clean up the small mess and grab my purse and shutting off my office light.

Stepping through the door frame of my office, I bid Claudia a goodnight and glance over to Y/n's door.

Without another thought, I walk away and decide to just go home. I need to sit with my thoughts for a bit.

While on the lift down to the parking garage, I can't help but think back to the girl that's been invading my mind. I picture her brown eyes and soft hair, her perfect smile. I think I'm falling for her. But Is it right? 

*Ding* "Ground Floor" the lift lady says.

The doors open and I step out heading towards my car. Noticing a few cars still in the garage, I notice a particular one. An all black Cadillac sits in its parking spot. The car is on and someone is in there just sitting with their hands covering their face.

I realize it's Y/n's car as I see the person remove their hands and wipe their tears. She's crying? Everything in me wanted to run towards her car and give her a hug and comfort her but I couldn't. I can't get more involved than I already am. I take a deep breath and force myself to turn away and walk to my car on the other side of the garage. I situate myself in my car and speed off driving home.

Y/n's POV

After speaking with Ruby in the bathroom, I realized how fucked I am for getting myself in this situation. I'm stuck between two beautiful women and I have to make a choice. Either Ruby or Genevieve. The woman who I've been pining over since we were partnered up together and who I've been on and off with for years or the woman who I've known for a couple weeks and am suddenly head over heels for.

Sitting in my car, I drop my head in my hands and feel myself start to tear up. Overwhelmed with emotions I hear a song start to play on my radio. 

'Cause you keep me on a rope
And tied a noose around my throat
You're gone, then back at my door
'Cause if you're gonna leave
Better leave, better do it fast
Can't live a little longer
Sitting on your lap
'Cause you know what you're doing
When you're coming back
And I don't want to have
Another heart attack

Oh, I can't be

Your lover on a leash

Every other week

When you please

Bad timing. Stupid radio. I was annoyed at the song coming on but it fit my situation so well. 

I took a deep breath, taking in the lyrics...

I need to let Genevieve go.

A/N: Just a little filler chapter for more to come ;) I had to leave a little pause for dramatic effect. Also, do you guys want smut in this story? If so, comment and the most comments I get, I'll put in some smut to spice it up for ya. Thanks for reading <3

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